Networking in Surrey

November 2010 Blog Posts (21)


Hi, my name is Jon Jackson of Infocus Security 0800 074 5854

It always amazes me how people always say to me "why was I burgled - Ive lived here for xx years??" Well the answer to that question is - You always think being Burgled only happens to OTHER PEOPLE!!

Well it doesn't - It can happen to all of us at some time or another



Added by Jon Jackson on November 30, 2010 at 19:30 — 2 Comments

Getting started with a new business

Managing the business itself takes time, but a little forethought and planning

will make a big…


Added by Shân Hughes on November 30, 2010 at 14:00 — No Comments

River Of Lights

On 21st December we will turn the River Wey into a beautiful River Of Lights. We are inviting the residents of Guildford and the surrounding towns and villages to make floating lanterns from halves of oranges, hollowed out and with a tea light. They can then come and place it along with over 500 other floating lantern candles in the river.

There will also be lantern sculptures, fire breathers, a folk choir, and the Wishing Tree...… Continue

Added by Simon Strong on November 29, 2010 at 11:01 — No Comments

A Stress free Christmas

Are you dreading the thought of having to write all those Christmas cards? Each year it seems to be more of a chore unless I take control of it. The trick is not to do it all at once but to schedule 15 minutes at a time. Then it is not overwhelming and you will have a better chance of getting it done

without too much stress.

Here are my 12 steps to Heaven.…


Added by Shân Hughes on November 28, 2010 at 7:30 — No Comments

Networking in Surrey News – week beginning 22 November

Whaddya mean, snow?? Remember the paralysing effect of six inches of the white stuff last Winter? Let's hope it holds off for the festive season, so we can make it to all the parties and networking events coming up soon...

Next week sees the Business Startup Exhibition at Earl's Court. I love expos - I always come away with plenty of useful leads, and I try to get to a couple of free seminars from…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 26, 2010 at 17:52 — No Comments

Running a small business can be daunting

We might be great at our own skill but when we set up in business for the first time we need to be conscious that now we are a business owner as well as a Photographer, Jeweller or Life Coach.…


Added by Shân Hughes on November 25, 2010 at 14:00 — No Comments

Top 10 Blogging Ideas from Graham Jones

I just had a contact email from an old chum, UK Internet 'guru'-type person and Networking in Berkshire Member, Graham Jones. As a result, I checked out Graham's blog - always worth a look - and found a helpful post about what you can blog about, and where to find inspiration. Check out Graham's Top 10 Blogging Ideas here - and then get…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 25, 2010 at 12:09 — No Comments

How focused are you?

It’s all to easy to forget to keep focused in life. This applies to all aspects of life; work, love, sport etc.

I was reminded of this at the weekend. I have a wedding to attend this Saturday, I have shopped and shopped and was still without a dress until Sunday. I went to bed Saturday night picturing the dress I wanted

to buy and unlike my previous shopping trips I knew exactly what I

wanted. Up I got Sunday morning, focused on the…


Added by Sarah Martin on November 23, 2010 at 8:30 — No Comments

Developing a Living Brand

Differentiation, Differentiation, Differentiation!

How do people in your business network know you exist? Are you visible? And is your company as visible as you would like it to be within your particular arena? If you are visible, are you getting the results you want or has business slowed to a crawl? Could it be perhaps that something in your business, without your knowledge or realisation, is beginning to slip out of your control? Could it be about your branding? And I’m not… Continue

Added by Tessa Hood on November 19, 2010 at 16:20 — No Comments

Where is your site ranked on the Worldwide Web

There are millions of websites in the UK, but how do you know where your site is ranked?

Well a simple FREE down-loadable toolbar is available which will give you the information you are looking for.

Why is it important to know your page rank? Well the more information that you have about how your site is performing, the more you can do to improve its rankings and ultimately improve the traffic flow to your… Continue

Added by Sean Usher on November 17, 2010 at 12:00 — No Comments

Tomorrow's FREE Social Media Day in Marlow - update from Jon Davey

Tomorrow we will be hosting our 2020 Social Media event at The Crowne Plaza in Marlow. We have over 100 people booked to join us.

All attendees will be provided with a 2020 brochure on the day which will include:

  • A voting sheet for their favourite speakers
  • A free copy of our Top 10 Social Media Marketing Rules
  • And a list of…

Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 17, 2010 at 11:24 — No Comments

Networking in Surrey News – week beginning 15 November

‘Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness’ as Keats would have it (or fog and frost, if you prefer a more accurate picture today!) Either way, there’s plenty of festive networking in the pipeline to ‘warm the cockles’, where you can promote and grow your business by building your connections and getting your face out there.

Talking of faces, are you one of the 15% of NiS Members yet to post your photo to your My…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 17, 2010 at 0:36 — No Comments

How Monday Went.....

A great evening was had by all who attended, it would have been great to have a few more of those who said they would or might come to have come along, but all I can's their loss.

Kevin Green arrived at the Ambassadors and we settled down to listen to his story, embedded within were nuggets of information to think upon later.

Then we had a small auction and so a donation to Chase Hospice, Make a Wish and Amber Foundation

Kevin had also been…

Added by Annie Heggie on November 12, 2010 at 18:13 — No Comments

Networking in Surrey News - week beginning 8 November 2010

So, the gales are upon us, it gets dark at 4pm, and 'It's' back to haunt us - by which I mean the dreaded 'C' word - Xmas! Stopping some way short of 'bah, humbug!', I'd like to register a mild 'tut-tut' at being bombarded with tinsel and teddy bears 'from here to Nativity', on TV, in shops, in magazines and through the letter box.

Having said that, I'm more than happy to have lots of Christmas specials in our…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 11, 2010 at 17:00 — No Comments

There's more to life than business

Thought I'd share this blog entry I wrote yesterday on…


Added by Martyn Stead on November 11, 2010 at 14:30 — 1 Comment

11 free ways to promote your website

Just received the Business Link newsletter with this little tip list - very handy for any one setting up a new website and a good reminder for the rest of us.. take a look here - 11 free ways to promote your website

Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 11, 2010 at 13:41 — No Comments

Give Disability the Last Hour

As you reflect on 2010 and prepare to welcome 2011 - an hour of your time can transform a young life. Donate the last hour of your 2010 salary to Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People to make this happen.

QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Services in Banstead, Surrey, has an urgent need to equip more high dependency facilities to help young adults with acquired brain injuries, such as Emily:

Emily’s parents were told that she would always be trapped within her…


Added by Liz Lunn on November 10, 2010 at 14:03 — No Comments

Corporate Challenge

Dear all,

If you are passionate about helping disabled people achieve their life goals and you have an entrepreneurial spirit – the Corporate Challenge could be for you.…


Added by Liz Lunn on November 9, 2010 at 15:15 — No Comments

Live on Air - Astrology in Business

I had an exciting time over in Weybridge at Brooklands radio this afternoon. I had been invited by Samantha New-Fielding, who has a weekly slot on the afternoon programme. She asked me to speak about using astrology in business, Graham Laycock, the presenter, started by asking - HOW?

Well, it depends on how successful you want to be said I. Many prominent people have used astrology in business, early in the twentieth century the famous American magnate J.P. Morgan bluntly proclaimed…


Added by Christine Chalklin on November 5, 2010 at 20:00 — No Comments

Networking in Surrey News - week beginning 1 November 2010

Bonfire night again - don’tcha just love fireworks? Now call me old-fashioned, but I miss the old 'Penny for the Guy' routine in the run-up to 5 November. Trick or treat just doesn't do it for me, I'm afraid... But enough of the nostalgia, already - let's look forward to a bright future out there in Networkland :-)

We've had lots of new sign-ups to NiS again this week. A very warm NiS welcome on behalf of all our…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 5, 2010 at 19:40 — No Comments

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Sean Usher Interviews Keith Grover Part 1

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