Networking in Surrey

Networking in Surrey News – week beginning 22 November

Whaddya mean, snow?? Remember the paralysing effect of six inches of the white stuff last Winter? Let's hope it holds off for the festive season, so we can make it to all the parties and networking events coming up soon...

Next week sees the Business Startup Exhibition at Earl's Court. I love expos - I always come away with plenty of useful leads, and I try to get to a couple of free seminars from top speakers.

Back here in Surrey, on Monday evening the Weybridge Ecademy meeting features Matt Hodkinson on usng Social Media effectively - great value for just £6! There's a free informal gathering in the Guildford Parkway Brewer's Fayre organised by CiM members, and two free First Friday events (no relation!). All the big guns of networking are going full steam ahead as usual – find them in our Regular Group Meetings Section.

A warm NiS Welcome to this week's new Members: Bernice White, Jules Carter, Simon Strong, Claire Stibbon, Majella Wilkins, Hannah Rees, Steph Sullivan, Jude Core, Oliver Barry, Mike Wylie, Amanda Colbourne, Angela Marshall, Madeline Corr, Sue Rose, Leonie Wright, Geoff Chapman, Clare Price, Neville Godwin and Ian Pitchford.

We just passed another milestone, as combined Membership of the three NetworkingIn sites - Surrey (290) Berkshire (393) and little Bucks (22) - reached the 700 mark. We're still in with a chance of hitting our target of 1,000 Members by New Year's Eve, so please help us by using the Invite facility to spread the joy. If we all told just one contact, we'd crash the 1,000 by next week! Invite friends to use our free listings to plan their networking diary (saving time and money) and join us - free - to raise their profile in the local business community. Simples!

TOP TIP: Blog your way to success by posting thoughts, tips and reviews in the Blogs section. And (fanfare!) we're announcing our...

New Videos Section!

Following in the footsteps of Chris over at Networking in Berkshire we now have a Videos section on the Blogs menu tab so you can upload your own (or other people’s') videos - and you can post photos too! I've already immodestly posted one of me recruiting for Networking in Bucks at the Marlow 2020 Social Media event - yes, I know it's not a pretty sight, but it gets the message across! Normal NiS blog-type rules apply - we won't accept 'spammy' behaviour, so shameless 'ads' won't get through.

A huge 'thank you' to our November sponsors for keeping the site free to use and join:

David Simpson's Mainstream Marketing, the telemarketing specialists for any business, large or small

Sarah Martin's Ladies at Eleven - networking for women who are serious about their business

Jessica McGregor Johnson's Passion Test Workshop,- identify the things that ensure you live a passionate life.

Lynda Harvey's The Wine Place - wine tasting events and independent wine retailer based in Berkshire

John Cassidy Photography - for a superb 'headshot' that captures your personality for your online profile

Rhona Anderson's HR Advice Centre - HR professionals in policy, procedure, redundancy & conflict management,

We've sold all our December ad slots (one is still awaiting confirmation, so please call me right away if you'd like to go standby on the off chance :0). There are just two slots left for January, so to kickstart 2011 for your business, call me now on 01932 845814 - first come, first served, as ever.

Diary of a Networker...

I presented to 100 businesses (and You’re Fired Apprentice star Dan Harris) at the 2020 Social Media Directors bash in Marlow where I met NiS Member Martyn Stead and lots of SM movers and shakers! On a more intimate scale, I really enjoyed Elaine Hickmott's free Surrey Style evening - a glittering, glamorous affair with stylish stallholders (including NiS Member Angela Marshall) fairy lights, fab 'a capella' singing, and spectacularly gorgeous decor, in the Christmassy atmosphere of the Burford Bridge Hotel's Tithe Barn. I met up with Alan Rogers on his way to the Reigate & Redhill Tweet-up and Lyn French, now organising free Business Biscotti and Surrey Jelly meetings in Caterham. I was persuaded to sponsor Simon Strong's upcoming Guildford River of Lights event (a tenner well spent, I reckon). My stewardship of Friday's 4N Walton was heaps of fun - feedback was very positive (what else could they say?) and I was at Trafford Enterprises Elmbridge Focus dinner at Woodlands Park, Cobham on Monday, with NiS Members Jeremy Webb and Derek Hawkins - civilised company,and superb food!
Happy Networking...

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We design, make and install stunning bespoke blinds and awnings in our factory for private home owners, shops, offices, schools, hospitals, restaurants and hotels.

Meet  Elizabeth Turner on NiSGold BNI (SME Awards Networking Group of the Year Winner!) is the only BNI networking group in Surrey that meet every week online, with an optional social face to face every month - please click the ad to visit us for free!

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Come as a Visitor to sample our BNI Woking and Pyrford in-person meetings and discover how very rewarding networking can be for you… please click on the ad and apply to join us as a Visitor to these vibrant, fast-growing groups!

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