Networking in Surrey

Adding Your Events

All Networking In Surrey Members can add networking events to the system free of charge and we check to ensure that they relate to events in Surrey (and aren't too cheekily spammy!) To add commercial events (training, seminars, workshops etc) there's a small charge (click here for details). Your posts don't appear publicly on the site until we have moderated them... BECOME A MEMBER here

How do I add an Event?
On our Home Page at the bottom left of the central Events panel click on the 'Add an Event' link. Fill in the Event form, including a photo or logo - see below. 

What info should I provide in my listing?

Besides a brief, engaging and informative outliine of the event, please give the practical info needed - such as the full postcode so people can use a Satnav or get a Google map - it's surprising how many event organisers don't give the full details networkers need to know about their events. Give the price - for Members and non-Members - and put a link CLICK HERE TO BOOK (see below for help on how to do this) and also one to the VENUE's website if available, and a phone number (the venue or your mobile) to call if they get lost en route. Tell them what parking is like. In short, make it easy, and they will come!

How can I add an image? And what size?
You can add a logo or venue photo to the header section of your event. Please make sure this is in .jpg or .gif format and we recommend that the width is 175 pixels (depth can be a bit less, but aim for square for the best result). You can also paste pictures into the text box - place the cursor where you want to put the picture. This might usefully be a speaker mugshot, a venue, or a picture of a past event. Size is less critical here, but don't go too big - and be warned that this can sometimes play havoc with the formatting of the text. Be brave, and ask us if you need help!

“Your network is the people who want to help you – and who you want to help.” Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder of LinkedIn

Can I repeat Events?
Yes - using the Copy Event option as follows...

1. Make sure you're logged into NiS

2. Call up your existing event - it can be one that has already taken place, or that has yet to happen (but you must have posted it originally so that you have editing rights)

3. Use this as a template for your new event - click on the down arrow in the grey Options box (top right) and choose Copy Event

4. This presents you with the Event listing (and clears any attendees) and you just need to change the date and go down to the bottom and Save it

5. This creates a new event and preserves the old one - it's like Save As in Word.

6. While you are changing the date you can of course change or add any other details, which you will need to do if you have a different agenda and speakers, for example.

We don't allow posting events more than 2 months ahead as things like booking links and even dates may change, leaving our listing out of date :0(

If you organise regular events such as weekly or fortnightly meetings then please ask to have your own Group page in our Regular Group Meetings section.

What Is the Privacy Option for?
This refers to how it appears on the system. If it is public then anyone visiting the website will be able to see it (recommended).

What Is the RSVP Function for?
This enables you to see who is planning to attend your event. You can invite people from your address book and track their acceptance here. If the event is public, other members can also indicate if they plan to attend. You can Disable The RSVP Function to stop people accepting the invitation on this site, and mistakenly assuming they have now booked their place. We prefer you to leave this function enabled but to add a link to your own booking page, as follows.

How do I make it easy for people to book onto my Event?
We don't take bookings for your Events on the site - people have to book directly with you. If they need to email or phone to book please give details, including whether non-members can attend. If they are able to book online, please insert a link to your booking page - as follows...

Adding a live link

You can add live links to your postings. For example, to put a link to an Event's booking page, type the phrase CLICK HERE TO BOOK (in capital letters on a separate line) then highlight it. Click on the link icon (the LINK symbol beside the add image icon). A pop-up box asks you to provide a link URL, which you can do by going to your booking page, highlighting the URL in the address bar then copying and pasting it across into our pop-up box. The link needs to include the http:// - which is already in the box to remind you. If you need help with this or any other slightly 'techie' stuff, please ask!

"We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know". W H Auden, Anglo-American Poet 1907 – 1973

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We design, make and install stunning bespoke blinds and awnings in our factory for private home owners, shops, offices, schools, hospitals, restaurants and hotels.

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Emma Selby Farnham Hub

Sean Usher Interviews Keith Grover Part 1

WATCH A VIDEO of Keith telling Sean Usher all about NiS

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