Networking in Surrey

Posting Events Blogs etc

Event organisers/posters please read the whole of this page- thanks!

If you run regular events please request your own page here in our Regular Group Meetings section... and for commercial profit-making events that are not networking meetings, please see details of our low-cost paid listings rates here...

If you post a particular event yourself it will appear in the main featured EVENTS listings and have a whole page to itself. There's a form to fill in which you can get to by clicking +Add an Event on the Home Page (at the bottom left of the events listed in the central column) or on the EVENTS page by clicking +Add (in the grey header area, top right). 

Your event needs to look pretty much like the example below to be approved - but don't worry, we will help you get your first listing into our house style. Setting up the first one takes around 5 minutes, but thereafter you can list your future events in under a minute.

Please click here to view the original pdf (slightly sharper!)  And if you prefer to watch a short video explaining our house style please click here...

If you post an event you have editing rights  - but if we post if for you, you don't, so you can't make changes. You can list repeating events by calling up your event then clicking 'Copy Event' from the Options drop-down menu. Change the date (and any other details) and remember to go down to 'Add Event' - this preserves the original and posts your new event.

PLEASE NOTE: We don't allow you to post regular events more than 2 months ahead, because too many things can change (including your booking link!) and organisers very often forget to come back to change the NiS listing. NiS is all about making life easy for the busy networker!

Any questions, please message Keith on the site, or email  - Thanks!


"Thank you for putting the event on the site for free, and for mentioning it in your What’s On message - much appreciated! I’ve alreadyhad one person book in because they saw it in your e-mail." Ian Crocker, Absolute Learning

Member Sponsors (Links)

These NiS MEMBERS help us keep NiS free for you! Click the ads for info and offers...

Meet Paul Webster on NiS...

Visiting our 21st show is free, with seminars, speed networking and a networking reception - and there's still time to exhibit! Please click the ad for full details of Surrey's longest-running business show and register to visit free or book your stand...

Meet Jeremy Webb on NiS... Every Business Owner will ultimately need to exit their business - but will be at a time of your choosing? Everyone needs two plans! Call Jeremy for Professional advice and click the ad for more details...

Meet  Elizabeth Turner on NiSGold BNI is the only BNI networking group in Surrey that meet every week online, with an optional social face to face every month - please click the ad to visiti us for free!

GRAB A FREEBIE.(or two!)Click the ad to check out our Network4Free page for dozens of terrific freebies, many of them transcending the Surrey borders.

Meet Tara Jayne Maynard
Come to a BNI Woking in-person meeting and discoverf how very rewarding networking can be for you… please click on the ad and apply to join us as a Visitor!

Meet John Gower on NiS...Local Networking Works! Start boosting your business TODAY... Please click the ad for detailsADVERTISE HERE! Become a Sponsor and promote your business by taking an ad  - seen by over 2,400 Members, 1,500 unique visitors  with 6,000+ pageviews every month...

"Thanks for getting Google on my side! It's  so nice when you can see a return on your investment."
Emma Selby Farnham Hub

Sean Usher Interviews Keith Grover Part 1

WATCH A VIDEO of Keith telling Sean Usher all about NiS

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