Networking in Surrey

It’s all to easy to forget to keep focused in life. This applies to all aspects of life; work, love, sport etc.

I was reminded of this at the weekend. I have a wedding to attend this Saturday, I have shopped and shopped and was still without a dress until Sunday. I went to bed Saturday night picturing the dress I wanted
to buy and unlike my previous shopping trips I knew exactly what I
wanted. Up I got Sunday morning, focused on the mission in hand and
after a rather chilly training run headed into Guildford. The picture of
my dress at the forefront of my mind. It was amazing, the third shop I
went into, a pink ruffled, strapless dress was straight in front of me.
Within seconds I was in the changing room and by 11.15am the dress was
bought, leaving me with what was whole new experience Christmas shopping
in November.

I wanted to share this as it brought home to me how important it is in life to keep focussed. We can all too often loose our way, drift away from the path we are carving out for ourselves. If you listen to any successful business owner they will always talk about the importance of keeping focused on your end goal.

A reminder to us all that what we do focus on in life is more than likely to happen. We all have a choice, focus on the positives, successes, achievements and where you want to be in life or not….I know which one I’d rather do, I hope you do too.

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