Networking in Surrey

May 2011 Blog Posts (18)

Networking in Surrey News – week beginning 30 May 2011

For saleNetworking in Surrey/Berkshire/Bucks. Offers in excess of $100,000’ 

OK, so the NetworkingIn sites are not really on the market – but if LinkedIn is worth $9bn with 100m Members, and our three sites now total well over 1200 Members, we might just be tempted should Google come knocking with a hundred grand to…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on May 31, 2011 at 14:51 — No Comments

Liz is back at Forsyth for her freebie!

It's great to welcome NiS Member Liz Kendall, Shiatsu practictioner,  back to our offices for the day. Liz has taken advantage of my fantastic offer for June - a free meeting room for networking. This offer is now open to all NiS Members and site visitors - find it here on the NiS Offers and Freebies page.…


Added by Marcia Stratta on May 31, 2011 at 13:00 — No Comments

Equity Release - the great misconceptions

Lifetime mortgages, or Equity Release as it is better known, remains for the public who are close to, or in retirement, one of the least understood areas of property finance.

Yet for the over 55’s who are asset rich and cash poor, it is still a very effective way of helping realize ideas, plan inheritance properly – or in some circumstances, making ends meet as sadly trying to pay for your shopping with…


Added by Mark Williams on May 30, 2011 at 13:00 — No Comments

Bank of England must raise rates this year, OECD warns

The Telegraph reports today that The Bank of England should raise interest rates before the end of the year or risk letting inflation run out of control, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has warned.

Despite downgrading its growth forecast for the UK for the third time in six months, it said:…


Added by Mark Williams on May 26, 2011 at 9:30 — No Comments

How to be successful in business selling to retail

I’ve spent a lot of my business life working in and around consumer goods companies.  Now, the FMCG world is an interesting place, dominated by the uneasy relationships between the big retailers and the smaller suppliers.

Over recent years the situation has become even more polarised, with the retail giants taking and even more dominant place on our high-street, as this table…


Added by Adrian Fowles on May 25, 2011 at 16:30 — No Comments

The British are failing to secure their family's future

 Britons are failing to prepare properly for the prospect of death with many failing to secure the fate of their families and money, a report has said.

According to new research the nation's post-life planning is in a shocking state with almost two thirds (61%) of people not having a will, while one in ten of those with a will have told no-one else where it is.…


Added by Mark Williams on May 25, 2011 at 10:00 — No Comments

What's the point of Business Exhibitions?

I've just posted the following answer to this question on the Linked In Surrey Networkers group (and I'll be discussing it at this afternoon's free Business Intros meeting in Guildford, if you'd care to join me...)

Business Exhibitions are a great opportunity to practise effective networking,…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on May 24, 2011 at 11:00 — No Comments

How does the Equality Act impact your business?

Many employers, particularly small businesses are shying away from employing people for fear of such a commitment.…


Added by Nicki Davies on May 24, 2011 at 10:30 — No Comments

Rates are going up whether we like it or not

Families should plan for interest rates to rise gradually over the next two years, the Bank of England's chief economist signalled in an interview with the Financial Times.

Spencer Dale also made it clear that he personally foresaw a difficult outlook for the economy, saying he favoured an immediate interest rate rise even though the recovery is fragile.

Mr Dale is a member of the Bank's…


Added by Mark Williams on May 23, 2011 at 13:00 — No Comments

SERV Blood Runners new base in Guildford

SERV Blood Runners charity has found its firsthome in Guildford. A new central office to support the 500+ volunteers across the south-east who are on call every night to deliver emergency blood to hospitals from 7pm to 6am. The Surrey Blood Runners group will do more than 2500 calls this year.…


Added by Tim Goodman on May 20, 2011 at 17:30 — No Comments

How good are your PR skills?

Is there anyone who would like to improve their PR network and help a worthy charity at the same time? are looking for someone to help raise their profile 

 SERV is a charity that transports Blood, Plasma, Platelets, Samples, Vaccines, Factor VIII, Donor Breastmilk & any other urgently required medical…


Added by Shân Hughes on May 13, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Networking in Surrey News - week beginning 9 May 2011

Shock horror - a 5-day week! How will we cope? Don’t panic Captain Mainwaring – there’ll be another Bank Holiday in a couple of week’s time...

Meanwhile, there’s plenty of networking to cheer us up (hoorah!) and get our business heads back into gear. With over 150 Regular Group Meetings again this month,…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on May 11, 2011 at 13:00 — No Comments

Invest In Smarter Technology to help your business in the Recession and Reduce Costs

As recession come and go businesses will Continuously look for ways to reduce cost which usually means reducing the workforce, the very people needed to produce a product or maintain a service. IT Staff and IT Support budgets usually get cut back, but is this really…

Added by Jabran Malik on May 9, 2011 at 11:00 — No Comments

New 4Networking group for Richmond launching soon

We'll be announcing the launch date and venue shortly for a new 4 Networking group in Richmond. Please contact me to register your interest if you'd like to come along to the launch in June, by emailing


If you've not experienced 4 Networking before, do visit

Added by Dan Smale on May 8, 2011 at 15:00 — No Comments

Over half of the UK adult population has no life insurance

New research shows that an estimated 28 million of the UK population do not have any life insurance in place.

Research carried out on 5,148 UK Adults, shows that many are continuing to shun protection products including life insurance, critical…


Added by Mark Williams on May 4, 2011 at 17:30 — No Comments

Surrey’s businesses demonstrate sustainable energy

As part of Surrey County Council’s first open energy event for businesses, twenty high profile organisations throughout the county are open their doors and offering site tours to businesses interested in finding out about renewable energy measures.


What is Open Energy Surrey?

Increasing energy prices and new government…


Added by Felicity Stanbridge on May 3, 2011 at 12:30 — No Comments

Being Lucky

It can't escape your attention that some people seem to be luckier than others when it comes to networking - both online and offline. I would hazard a guess that those same people might even be equally be lucky in love or cards.

Here's five simple tips to make your networking luckier.

Step 1: Get rid of negative thoughts and associations around networking - if…


Added by Tom Evans on May 3, 2011 at 9:00 — No Comments

I'm a Slave to my Mortgage!

Being told that every man, woman and child owes £16,000 is not helpful. It’s being used either to frighten us or to say, ‘Don’t worry, we’re all in this unholy mess together!’ But what impact does it have on us?

Why does the State and the media in particular seemingly thrive on painting the picture in money metaphors and snappy statistics? (In the case of the media, to sell viewing figures and newspapers, of…


Added by Jane Hardy on May 2, 2011 at 13:30 — No Comments

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