Networking in Surrey

It can't escape your attention that some people seem to be luckier than others when it comes to networking - both online and offline. I would hazard a guess that those same people might even be equally be lucky in love or cards.

Here's five simple tips to make your networking luckier.

Step 1: Get rid of negative thoughts and associations around networking - if you go to a meeting with even 1% of doubt as to its efficacy, you will restrict your chances of success

Step 2: Set best possible intent - imagine what might be a great result from attending an event.

Step 3: Start tuning in - before an event, have a look at the attendees and make a list of who you'd like to connect with and at what level

Step 4: Quieten & open your mind - having done steps 1, 2 and 3, put them to the back of your mind. Here's a short visualisation that will help you to allow new serendipities to come along - How to Quieten the Mind

Step 5: Come on the Networking in Surrey Be Lucky Netwalk to practice these skills in the most beautiful surroundings - the Surrey Hills. It's purposely on Friday 13th to change one old paradigm about luck.

Why netwalks are brilliant for generating good luck

Firstly, this one is absolutely free!! Although you will want buy someone a drink in exchange for a gem of wisdom or new connection.

You are taking in fresh air - the source quite literally of inspiration and one way to get your left & right brain in sync

You are in a dynamic, moving environment so you can't get stuck in a 'corner'

As this one is for anyone in any network, you are guaranteed to meet someone new

The views are some of the best in the South East of England - you will see the world in a new way

Details and booking here

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