Networking in Surrey

November 2011 Blog Posts (25)

Things That Happen On The Internet Every Sixty Seconds [Infographic]

Image copyright Shanghai Web Designers

Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 30, 2011 at 17:30 — 1 Comment

Web Trends in 2012

Hi all,

It will be interesting to see what happens on the social media, blogs, search engine, web design front.

Found this article and wondered what your thoughts were?


Quantity vs quality – in 2011 people blogged less often, but when they blogged they wrote long articles. With the new freshness algorithm Google just introduced, the process might get reversed, as now the latest articles are more likely to show up on top…


Added by David Spencer on November 29, 2011 at 20:00 — No Comments

Healthier, not wealthier, but wiser!

Back in early October I was invited to a seminar at Heathrow. The speaker, Mary Miller, was speaking about IChingSystems. Utilizing ancient Hexagram symbols from the Chinese Book of Changes as binary mathematical codes, IChingSystems uses hand-held 'instruments' for balance in stressful times and for daily maintenance.

During the seminar you could go to the back of the room to experience the instruments. To be honest I did not notice anything. Some people cried, some could not touch…


Added by Annie Heggie on November 29, 2011 at 18:00 — No Comments

Cosmic Review - whats in store...

Keith doesn’t really think I am a prophet of doom (as mentioned in the latest NiS News). He knows I just tell it like it is - astrologically speaking that is! 

We all know that we are living in extremely challenging times and we also know that we have to try to stay positive and help, support and inspire our colleagues and friends to do likewise. …


Added by Christine Chalklin on November 29, 2011 at 17:00 — 2 Comments

Networking in Surrey News – week beginning 28 November 2011

There’s an absolute ton of stuff  to tell you about – so let’s get cracking! Last week I promised you some ‘big news’ about NiS and our new supercharged paid-Membership option – I’ll get to that a little later in this newsmail... 

Meanwhile, it’s all happening out there in Networkland! It’s the ‘Christmas Party’ effect, and…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 29, 2011 at 12:55 — No Comments

Networking for Wallflowers

I’m not a natural networker

I find the collective energy of so many entrepreneurial and business-types all in one room quite draining. Badly done, professional networking can be a ragtag of people all out for the same thing: meet people > sell things. Before networking aficionados defend the cause, I do confer that the genre has improved considerably.

What makes me click the ‘attend’ button?

1.Better venues (innovation and creativity have crept in here). I have…


Added by Suzy Rigg on November 27, 2011 at 22:00 — No Comments

Fancy a Challenge? Home-based salaried post...

I have a client who is looking for some full time Admin &  Event Management Support


Fancy a Challenge?

Experienced, top level administrator to work full time from home to support event management team.

Good communicator and proficient with all MS Office Products. Some meetings at sponsor premises, normally in London.

Salary £20 - £25k…


Added by Shân Hughes on November 27, 2011 at 18:30 — No Comments

Taxman hunting online for 'undeclared' holiday home owners

Overseas property owners have been urged to inform HMRC if no disclosure on tax has been made already.


Tax specialists are warning advisers to notify their foreign property owning clients of a new investigation team established by HMRC to track down people who own land and property abroad by ‘data mining' publicly available records.


One tax consultant and former…


Added by Mark Williams on November 25, 2011 at 12:30 — 2 Comments

Just WHERE are all the out of work teenagers?!



I am absolutely amazed by the constant reference in the media to the lack of jobs available for young people when we have lots of employers on our books who are actively looking for young apprentices and can't find them!


We are a Surrey-based training agency and as part of our work with the Skills Funding Agency…


Added by Val Hannington on November 24, 2011 at 10:00 — 6 Comments

Thomas Power: Google+ Plus is creeping up on people...

Networking in Surrey Member (and Ecademy Chairman) Thomas Power has created yet another thought-provoking new Vlog (video blog) ...

"Google are building each of us an identity management system. All our searches, all our gmails, all our posts, all our comments, all our shares, all our tweets, all our retweets, all our status updates. All our data. ALL. We are outsourcing our identity to Google. We…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 23, 2011 at 19:00 — 1 Comment

A golden gate for the already empty stable ?

The latest FSA rules will cost the City up to £1.4bn a year from now on, according to the regulator's figures.


Regulations consulted on and introduced over the past 12 months by the FSA will create compliance costs of £1.1bn to £1.4bn annually, according to figures compiled by Hargreaves Lansdown.



Added by Mark Williams on November 21, 2011 at 19:30 — No Comments

Government reveals New Build Mortgage Indemnity Scheme lenders

The government has revealed the names of the lenders that have signed up to its indemnity scheme announced today as part of its housing strategy.


It says Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, Nationwide, Royal Bank of Scotland…


Added by Mark Williams on November 21, 2011 at 16:00 — No Comments

Networking in Surrey Bulletin - 17 November 2011

Just a quick note from me today, as I’m off on a three-day conference tomorrow - a fuller newsmail will follow next week.

Lots of great stuff on NiS as usual! Tomorrow is the second day of the massive (and free) Great British Business Show (see…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 17, 2011 at 22:20 — No Comments

Great British Business Show - today and tomorrow

Great British Business Show 17 & 18 November

Hi all, I was just wondering if any members attended the above or are planning to attend.  What were your thoughts about the exhibition.  I was quite impressed, free workshops, talks and advice, all free, especailly for a new start-up  …


Added by David Spencer on November 17, 2011 at 18:30 — No Comments

The Banking Crisis explained :o)

I read this the other day and couldnt resist putting it in a blog - enjoy!


The Banking Crisis simply explained...

John bought a donkey from a farmer for £100 and the farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day.  But the next day he drove up and said, “Sorry son, but I have some bad news.  The donkey’s…


Added by Mark Williams on November 17, 2011 at 16:30 — 5 Comments

'Fabulous Women' Charity Evening raised over £800!

With over 70 attendees, seven fabulous speakers and great stalls for pre Christmas shopping, plus great organisation from Paullette Schwartz, the evening was a great success.

The Mayor of Richmond, Councillor Clare Head entered into the spirit of the evening and became the star of the event, sending everyone away feeling inspired and positive.

We raised…


Added by Christine Hillier on November 11, 2011 at 16:00 — No Comments

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! (but stay safe...)

According to YouGov, 13% of SMEs were seriously impacted by last winter's severe weather, and 37% experienced weather-related problems, so it's worth preparing now for the possibility of another hard winter.

Ensure you comply with your Health and Safety obligations:

  • Clear and grit a pathway to the entrance to your premises, and grit your car park if you have one, to prevent accidents as people enter and leave the building
  • Crank up the heating to…

Added by Mara Thorne on November 11, 2011 at 16:00 — No Comments

No such thing as wasted time; just time better spent

Are business professionals, business leaders, entrepreneurs, company directors and management teams spending too much time on company administration and not enough time on the important stuff – like driving profit, service delivery and business growth?  Business opportunities may be lost managing the day to day back office functions instead of maximising the business’ potential.

In this continuing volatile…


Added by Frances Cassell on November 10, 2011 at 10:30 — No Comments

Networking in Surrey Bulletin – 8 November 2011

This is a just a quick reminder to head over to Networking in Surrey to catch up with all the great events coming soon to a venue near you, including (in the next seven days):

Wednesday Best of Ripley Connections Visitors Lunch run by NiS Member Paul…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on November 8, 2011 at 18:18 — No Comments

UK women’s sport missing out on sponsorship revenue

A new study has revealed that sponsorship of women’s elite sport in the UK amounted to just 0.5% of the total market between January 2010 and August 2011.

The report from The Commission on the Future of Women’s Sport indicated that sponsor spend on men’s sport accounted for 61.1% over the same period, with the remainder splashed out on mixed sports. The study, ‘Big Deal? The case for commercial investment in women’s sport’, revealed that there had been only a 0.1%…


Added by Dean Faulkner on November 7, 2011 at 15:00 — No Comments

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