Networking in Surrey

Networking in Surrey Bulletin - 17 November 2011

Just a quick note from me today, as I’m off on a three-day conference tomorrow - a fuller newsmail will follow next week.

Lots of great stuff on NiS as usual! Tomorrow is the second day of the massive (and free) Great British Business Show (see Stop Press and David Spencer’s blog post on the Home Page). Next week we have Wendy and Nicky’s Google  and Social Media training day in Walton on Thames, plus the free Woking Means Business Expo – and we’re even featuring an event in Egypt run by Heather George! Remember - any Member can list their own commercial events, wherever they may be, in return for a very small sponsorship fee (details here).

Check out the Regular Group Meetings for the ‘hard core’ networking activity...

The numbers continue to be strong with Networking in Berkshire reaching 800 Members this week and NiS not far behind.  I’m having a little side bet with Chris at NiB that we’ll reach 1000 Members before he does, so please keep spreading the good news to your contacts, and let’s get them all into our community. And do please make sure you have a photo on your NiS profile – almost two-thirds of us have, and it makes a world of difference to your market-ability

Talking of which, I’m already looking forward to Grant Leboff’s presentation at Weybridge Ecademyat the end of the month - he’s such a brilliant marketing ‘brainiac’.

In the next newsmail I’ll be revealing a major new feature on NiS and previewing the new paid Membership option, as well as offering you a fantastic advertising deal, so watch this space...

Happy Networking!

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We design, make and install stunning bespoke blinds and awnings in our factory for private home owners, shops, offices, schools, hospitals, restaurants and hotels.

Meet  Elizabeth Turner on NiSGold BNI (SME Awards Networking Group of the Year Winner!) is the only BNI networking group in Surrey that meet every week online, with an optional social face to face every month - please click the ad to visit us for free!

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Emma Selby Farnham Hub

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