Networking in Surrey

Veronica Pullen's Blog (5)

Stand Out From the Crowd Online and be the Captain of Your Own Cruise Ship!

It takes roughly ten years of training to become the captain of a cruise ship.

Once in the role, captains become the celebrity of their own ship (or in the case of a notable few, the entire fleet!), with the added responsibility of the lives of their up to 4,000 passengers being in their hands.

We’re pretty new to cruising but in the past 15 months we have notched up 4 cruises, and a…


Added by Veronica Pullen on July 14, 2015 at 9:45 — No Comments

Powerful List Building Strategy For Networkers

Whilst watching the Infusionsoft Conference Twitter feed a couple of days ago, I saw a tweet that revealed a powerful list building strategy that I want to share with you here today.

Jordan Hatch spoke from stage at the conference, and at the end of his talk offered copies of his slides to the 2,000+ audience.

There’s nothing too unique about being asked for, or offering copies of slides after a presentation, I get…


Added by Veronica Pullen on October 19, 2013 at 11:00 — No Comments

Facebook Groups Etiquette

Facebook Groups are my favourite aspect of my social networking strategy. Through groups, I’ve met some amazing people who have gone on to become my customers, referrers and raving fans – and me theirs!

Recently, I shared the story of how I’d been able to attribute £20k of revenue from Facebook in a 6 week period. Without…


Added by Veronica Pullen on October 12, 2013 at 10:30 — No Comments

Are Your Page Comments Being Relegated To The Facebook Spam Folder?

As a Facebook Page owner, I imagine that like most people, you rely on the notifications flag to tell you whether your fans have liked or commented on your posts or posted on your timeline?

But the problem is, you can’t rely on notifications to flag everything up!

What if Facebook decides you aren’t going to see a post?

What if Facebook decides a comment or post is spam and hides it from you?

You might think that parental control is what you use to…


Added by Veronica Pullen on October 5, 2013 at 10:53 — No Comments

Where can you find more business referrals in Facebook & Linked in?

Those of you who are already using Twitter may be aware of Mark Shaw (@MarkShaw) and his business ‘requests for recommendations’ profile (@msrfr)? The idea behind this profile is for users to request recommendations to a specific type of business and for the followers of @msrfr on Twitter to provide recommendations to relevant businesses. Here is an example of one such request

RT @harrison_design Can anyone recommend a…


Added by Veronica Pullen on July 9, 2011 at 17:00 — No Comments

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