Networking in Surrey

Where can you find more business referrals in Facebook & Linked in?

Those of you who are already using Twitter may be aware of Mark Shaw (@MarkShaw) and his business ‘requests for recommendations’ profile (@msrfr)? The idea behind this profile is for users to request recommendations to a specific type of business and for the followers of @msrfr on Twitter to provide recommendations to relevant businesses. Here is an example of one such request

RT @harrison_design Can anyone recommend a lodge/cottage/apartment in Devon or Cornwall for a weekend in September?

So now, anyone who sees this tweet who can recommend accommodation in the area will pass on the details of the business to @harrison_design

Another one

RT @capellarecruit Can anyone recommend a Graphic Designer? We need some tweaking on our website

If you’ve worked with a great Graphic Designer or indeed you are a Graphic Designer, you can supply details to @capellarecruit.

There are a lot of these requests every day, so following @msrfr can be an excellent way to gain extra business and find referrals. During a telephone conversation this morning, Mark told me some REALLY EXCITING NEWS! Msrfr is now being rolled out to Facebook and Linked in! This is a brilliant development as it allows businesses without a presence on Twitter (tut tut) to participate too.

The process of requesting recommendations on Facebook is to post your request on the wall on msrfr tribe Facebook page. Your request will be re-posted as the page status for all the page fans to see. When you are reading your Facebook newsfeed and spot a request you can help with, simply comment on the post advising the contact info for the business you are recommending.


On Linked in, join the msrfr tribe Linked in Group here Post your request for a recommendation as a new discussion or visit the group when you’re logged into Linked in to see if there are any requests you can provide recommendations for.

I think this is a very exciting progression for msrfr. The important thing to note is that in most cases the same request will not be repeated across the three platforms. If your business does not have a presence on all three platforms you will likely miss out on the opportunities provided from posts by the msrfr tribe elsewhere.

If you have created a business page on Facebook, make sure that any requests or responses on the msrfr tribe Facebook page are posted as your page instead of your personal profile. Why? Because every time you post as your business you are gaining extra exposure for your business. The next time another Facebook user requests a recommendation to the products or services you provide, there is a high possibility of your business being recommended by someone who has seen your posts on the msrfr tribe page already!

To switch from posting as your personal Facebook profile to your business page, click on Account on top right of the screen > use Facebook as page > switch. To return to posting as yourself, just click account > [your name] which will appear at the top of the list. You can only post as pages for which you are an Admin – if you are not an Admin, the page won’t appear on the list.


So........who would like to request a recommendation? I bet you’d like to be the business being recommended? Looking for referrals for your networking group members? See you over in the Tribe! 



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