Networking in Surrey

Facebook Groups are my favourite aspect of my social networking strategy. Through groups, I’ve met some amazing people who have gone on to become my customers, referrers and raving fans – and me theirs!

Recently, I shared the story of how I’d been able to attribute £20k of revenue from Facebook in a 6 week period. Without being an active networker in groups, this would not have been even remotely possible.

You see, Facebook groups are where people can really get to know you. By being active in 3 or 4 good Facebook groups, you can add value by supporting the other members, and sharing your expertise by answering their questions.

Then, as they get to know you, they will care enough to take an interest in what you do, sign up for your lead magnet, and tell others about you.

Which is why it pains me when I see people abusing Facebook groups.Facebook Group etiquette

What do I mean by “abusing”?

Have you ever heard of the Bucket Theory? The idea is that you visualise yourself holding a half full bucket of water. Next you look at the people around you. For everyone who adds value to your life; by being there when you need them, supporting you etc, you ADD a cup of water to your bucket.

If you have people around you who don’t have time for you, never contribute anything of value to your life, you TAKE OUT a cup of water.

If you have a healthy balance, your bucket will always be full – or almost full. If you’re spending time chasing people who don’t care, your bucket will be empty.

You get the idea?

Going back to Facebook groups, the key is visualise your presence in each Facebook group you are a member of, as a half full bucket of water.

Each time you add value to posts from others in the group; by adding comments of support, solutions, feedback etc, add a cup of water to your bucket.

If you write a post yourself, or ask a question of the group, take out a cup of water.

In every group there will be at least one person who constantly takes water from the bucket, but rarely or never puts any water in. You know, the person who constantly needs support themselves, post after post of their questions, but they never contribute to anyone else’s posts.

Being that person won’t endear you to the other members. Being that person is counter-productive to your reason for joining the group, as it shows you in a bad light.

So, before you consider posting in a Facebook group, you need to look at the bucket. How much water is in it? If you think it’s full, go ahead and post. If you feel it’s heading towards empty, then add some more water before you try and take any more out.

When you keep the bucket full, you WILL attract people towards you. So by making sure that your ideal clients are members of the groups you are most active in, and showing up from a place of friendship, you will build a tribe of customers, refers and raving fans.

What does Facebook group etiquette mean to you? Are you a member of a Facebook group which has a member who constantly posts but never contributes? Please don’t name names, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on what constitutes good Facebook group manners for you? Please leave me a comment below

The first step to converting your social media connections into warm leads is your Lead Magnet… your free eBook/audio/video series that people can access in return for their email address. If you are marketing your business on social media, but don’t have a Lead Magnet, you are leaving £000’s in sales opportunities on the table!

You do not own the data for your followers/fans on social media. Your #1 priority must be to get your social connections into your database… via ethical and legal means… by creating your Lead Magnet and making it available for download.

For more information GO HERE




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