Networking in Surrey

Stand Out From the Crowd Online and be the Captain of Your Own Cruise Ship!

It takes roughly ten years of training to become the captain of a cruise ship.

Once in the role, captains become the celebrity of their own ship (or in the case of a notable few, the entire fleet!), with the added responsibility of the lives of their up to 4,000 passengers being in their hands.

We’re pretty new to cruising but in the past 15 months we have notched up 4 cruises, and a total of 39 nights at sea, and I’ve never seen any other type of ‘driver’ who is wheeled out for the benefit of customers by their employer, as much as cruise lines do with their captains. As part of their job description, alongside the obvious seafaring tasks, they have to do the celeb stuff, such as;

  • Pose for photos with long queues of passengers
  • Host cocktail parties and tables at dinner, making a speech at each one
  • Host signing events to autograph cruise line merchandise
  • Deliver entertaining daily broadcasts to inform passengers of sailing, geographical and weather conditions

(Me with Captain Robert Camby, P&O Azura - July 2015)

Yet, the reality is that the level of knowledge required to qualify as a master of a vessel the size of a cruise ship is enormous, and they must be able to interpret an immense amount of data.

It’s geeky level knowledge requiring geeky people for whom (typically) the celebrity stuff doesn’t come naturally.

It’s highly unlikely that anyone considers becoming a cruise ship captain for the fame. They aren’t aspiring to pose for several hundred photos per day, or make numerous entertaining broadcasts over the PA. I would also imagine that having to give their life to ensure the safety of the vessel and its passengers is not what lured them in to their chosen career either.

All of this is a consequence for doing the thing they love to do – take command of beautiful sea vessels and spend their days at sea.

Just like you and me really.

I doubt you decided to leave your job and start your business because you wanted to become a leader of a tribe.

I don’t expect that it was getting on a stage to speak to several hundred people that drove you to make the decision to go it alone either?

Nor was it likely to have been the prospect of running webinars, or entertaining and educating an audience of highly engaged social media followers.

These are all just consequential to your being able to spend your days doing what you love while making a good income… sharing your message, transforming the lives or businesses of your clients, and making your difference.

But positioning yourself as an expert in a Category of One, and becoming a ‘master’ of your own ‘vessel’ are essential if you’re going to be heard by the people who are in pain right now, and want and need your help.

To build a successful business, you too need to become a celebrity in your own right… broadcasting to your ‘passengers’, taking a stand for what matters to you, showing up authentically, and leading the way to a better future.

You can’t become a cruise ship captain and spend all day poring over the shipping data on the bridge.

You can’t build a successful business serving your ideal clients if you don’t step into your spotlight and stand out from the crowd.

It’s your time to be seen. It’s your time to be heard. It’s your time to claim your authority online.

Are you ready?


Go here to download my brand new, FREE eBook...


... and discover how to position yourself as an expert, stand out from the crowd online in a Category of One, and have your followers queuing to invest premium fees to work with you!


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