Networking in Surrey

April 2013 Blog Posts (7)

Get your vital nutrients by making your own veggie juice!

Hello friends of NiS,
Now that spring has finally sprung, why not start thinking of cleansing the body and feeding your body with lovely nutrients from mother earth, rinsing the organs and making the digestive system work properly. Ancient yogis believed a healthy body has a healthy digestive system.
 I have been inspired by a beautiful yogini…

Added by Luma Zaki on April 29, 2013 at 15:00 — No Comments

Want to see better SEO results? Think content.

Hrees a great article with an illustrative infographic from US web content brand specialist agency Brafton:  (click here to visit their blog to read the whole thing and see the infographic)

Officials from Google and Bing have consistently emphasized their focus on the user experience, with Google’s Amit…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on April 23, 2013 at 13:30 — 2 Comments

Ivan Misner, BNI Founder: Why People Resist Networking & Miss Out

Ivan Misner is the 'Big Daddy' of networking...  As Founder of BNI (Business Networking Institute)  "the world's largest referral organization", he virtually created the concept of business networking as we know it today. Without him, Networking in Surrey wouldn't exist - so I'm always keen to hear his thoughts and wise words on networking.

There's a great article by Ivan in the…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on April 12, 2013 at 14:30 — No Comments

Disabled - or just fat? The Employer's dilemma...

With obesity levels in the UK topping the 20% mark, making us the fattest nation in Europe, employers are now facing the possibility of employees claiming that their obesity amounts to a disability, and that reasonable adjustments should therefore be made.

Before you scream: “Don’t be ridiculous, the adjustment needed is to lose weight!”, consider the recent decision of the Employment Appeals…


Added by Mara Thorne on April 12, 2013 at 11:00 — No Comments

Relief for sciatic pain...

Hello friends of NiS,

This week in my yoga classes we have been focusing on relieving the piriformis muscle.

 The piriformis is primarily an external rotator, one of a number of small, deep muscles that rotate the leg outward at the hip. It's notorious for causing…


Added by Luma Zaki on April 11, 2013 at 19:30 — No Comments

Did you know about 112 - the emergency number that could save your life?

I didn't know that there was a number you can dial in the UK and in many other countries that is often a better bet than good old 999 (especially for mobile phones)? I was sent a link to this video on the MicroNavigation YouTube channel and I checked it out here on Wikipedia because I couldn't understand why I didn't know this stuff already!…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on April 11, 2013 at 17:00 — No Comments

Spiritual Networking: the law of attraction at work!

Networking is an activity that can pay off really well. As with all things in life and business, it might not work for everyone.

What it depends on, really, is the spirit and spirituality of the networker.

Networking is part of a business strategy, marketing, sales, promotion, etc.  But as networking is also very much about personal connections, the aspect of personality plays a major part. And a major part of a personality is someone’s…


Added by Dr Mariette Jansen (Dr De-Stress on April 4, 2013 at 19:00 — No Comments

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