Networking in Surrey

Networking in Surrey News - week beginning 3 January 2011

A very Happy (and prosperous) New Year to all our NiS Members...

So then, after an outrageously long break, here we go again with a fresh new year and a whole raft of new challenges ahead - what an exciting prospect! Heartfelt thanks to everybody who sent us seasons greetings, and lots and lots of lovely positive feedback about the sites - we're blushing :0)

Geoff Cox's Business over Breakfast (the Bob clubs!) is the latest morning network group to hit Surrey, headed up by Samantha New-Fielding , and all the other main networking groups are getting back in the swing of things too - details are in our Regular Group Meetings section.

We're already seeing some interesting new events posted by Members - Elaine Hickmott's 'off on one' again with her saucy Business Bedfellows project (never the shrinking violet :0) The popular free events are going strong with the first of the First Fridays (badminton and pub variety) both happening this week, and Business Biscotti meetings with Tina Williams at Wentworth and Christine Chalklin at Camberley kicking off the New Year in style. Yvonne Stone  is forging ahead running both Ladies who Latte and Ladies at Eleven events in Epsom, so it really is all happening out there!

As usual we'd like to say a big 'thank you' to all our Sponsors (past and present) for keeping the sites free for all. I actually left things a bit late sorting out the January ads, with the result that there's still one slot unsold as I write. The rack rate is £50 a month, but since we're already nearly a week into January, if you'd like to grab the opportunity raise your profile and have your logo and message seen thousands of times by hundreds of local businesses, please call me on 01932 845814 and make me an offer I can't refuse.

Our Membership is still increasing, and we're fast approaching a fantastic total of 800 Members across the three Networking In sites. Onward and upward!

Diary of Networker...
I'm frantically planning my diary, having allowed the snow and the mince pies to distract me from the serious business of networking, and I'll soon be back on the circuit with a vengeance - you have been warned! I'm meeting up with Stuart Ritchie  for a brainstorming session over coffee at Silvermere tomorrow, plans are afoot for a new networking project with Arnie Fabius , and I hope to make it to both Guilford First Friday and Wentworth Biscotti. I'm also hoping to venture northward into Buckinghamshire (my home county) again this year, to spread the word about Networking in Bucks. Unfortunately, I'm (slightly!) too old to qualify for the Young Entrepreneurs Network- shame, because it looks like a lot of fun. Oh, and David Nunn kindly invited to be the Speaker at this month's Weybridge Ecademy meeting, so I'm really looking forward to that too...
Happy Networking!

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