Networking in Surrey

Networking in Surrey News - week beginning 10 January 2011

Well, as predicted in last week's NiS News, it's all kicking off big-time on the networking scene now 2011 has arrived and the century goes all 'teenage' on us :0)

We're looking forward to more free expos, with those shameless 'exhibitionists' Paul and James Webster already enthusiastically promoting this year's programme, and I've listed the South East Business Show in March even though it's over the border in deepest, darkest Sussex. There will be a 'Twestival' (don't ask - it's all in a good cause!) in Farnham in the Spring too, so please watch this space.

New Members are joining us daily (hoorah!) and it's an NiS 'Winter Warmer Welcome (mine's a pint!) to Janis Haves, Jackie Groundsell , Paula Kemp ,Carole Hazlerigg, Aurelie Almeida-Heasman , Ian Gray, Shira Moberg , Isabel de Felice , Ian Hamilton, Kris Ward, John Barlow , and Evonne Brown   - and another 20 who have joined in January who I will mention in the next edition!

For the benefit of our latest Members, it's worth re-stating what Nis is all about, as I regularly explain in my 40 or 60 second slots:
NUMBER ONE: 'We're the 'Radio Times' of Networking in Surrey, listing in detail what's on, when and where, to make it easier and more cost- and time-effective for every business to go out and do more face-to-face networking...
NUMBER TWO: 'We're a kind of 'niched-down' LinkedIn or Ecademy - our Members are not in Bangalore, Belfast or Boston, they're the people you'll meet regularly at local events, and be building real-world business relationships with, bridging the boundaries between networking groups.

We have over 340 Members as I write, yet still Chris over at Networking in Berkshire is managing to stay almost exactly 100 ahead - curses! It's a source of friendly rivalry between us, but really we're both delighted to have crashed through the 800-Member total on the 3 sites - Berks, Bucks and Surrey. OK, so we didn't quite hit our 'big hairy target' of 1000 by Jan 1, but hey, always 'aim high' - and we'll be getting there very soon at this rate.

Making all the sites free to join has helped - so it's time to recognise our Sponsors, who are keeping things free for all, and getting fantastic exposure for their businesses in the process (we love win-win! :0)

  John Udal's Big Billboard - need we say more?!

Sonia Duggan Sonia Duggan 's Inspiration - Personal Life and Parenting Coaching. for more inspiration in your life

Sarah Martin Sarah Martin's  Ladies at Eleven - networking for women who are serious about their business

 Mike Rutherford's Ignite at Danson Digital- the first system born to run online businesses

Tessa Hood Tessa Hood's My Video Talk - branded video emails & video broadcasting  for smaller businesses

 Howard Nichols  Howard Nichols  at Surrey Copywriters - for all your online and offline copyeriting needs 

We've already sold two of our February slots, with a third pencilled in, and there are only six available in total. Your ad (linked to your site) is shown on every page, thousands of times to hundreds of unique visitors. Our stats show that over 96% of traffic comes from within the UK, so it's local businesses who are using the site and seeing your ad. At just £50 a month it's cheaper than one insertion for a tiny box in the local rag - so please call me on 01932 845814 now to regiater your interest and reserve one of the three remaining slots...

Don't forget Members can post commercial events (such as paid-for seminars, workshops and training) on the site, subject to our guidelines, for as little as £6 per event, to be seen by hundreds of potential attendees. NiS Members  Nigel Devenish and Gayle Joubert have just posted two great-value personal development events (a morning workshop and a two-day workshop) and photographer Trish Gant is planning a Head Shot sessionwhere you'll get a professional photo for all your online profiles at a bargain price!

Diary of Networker...
I missed the First Friday in Guildford (sorry Nigel!) but I did get along to Tina Williams' buzzy Business Biscotti at Wentworth (splodge venue!) where it was good to catch up with NiS Members Sarah Martin, Barbara Bradbury and Kenn Jordan, and I spotted Antonio Falco too, but didn't find time for a chat... I'm booked into Friday's 4Networking at Walton on Thames for Evonne Brown's 4sight slot, followed by training in how to use 4N's new online 'Learn' facility from Gordon Hewitt - should be fun! Next week is the postponed Surrey Business Club 'sociable networking' evening in Cobham, and I'm wait-listed for the over-subscribed Digital Surrey free event in Farnham - fingers crossed...
Happy Networking!

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