Networking in Surrey

July 2014 Blog Posts (3)

A Common Cause of Knee, Foot & Back Pain...

Recent research has shown a statistically significant link between problems with the function of the pelvis and incidences of knee pain.

There is also a very strong link between pelvis dysfunction and foot and lower back pain.…


Added by Simon Wellsted, Unity Body MOT on July 25, 2014 at 12:30 — No Comments

Do I know you? And what you do? Really?

I just posted a comment on Andy Lopata's LinkedIn pages that I thought I'd share here too. It's about getting the message out there about what you do without trying to shove it down people's throats :0)  You first need to get the person (Client, networking contact, potential employer) into a receptive mindset and ready to learn more about your skills, products and services.

When I first meet you, I am probably far from receptive to a pitch, for example. If it's at a networking…


Added by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on July 16, 2014 at 13:54 — No Comments

The New Frontier in Work - be a 'Digital Nomad!

It is no secret that work is changing, since the advent of the internet and advances in portable technology, work is becoming more flexible, more portable and more nomadic.

This nomadic portable lifestyle of work is not just for the young and upwardly mobile of today, it is permeating into the fabric of society. The days of the worker being employed for a lifetime in the same job, rising from postman to CEO is no longer the case, with the nomadic lifestyle, work is becoming…


Added by Simon Barry on July 15, 2014 at 11:30 — No Comments

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