Weybridge - Business Connector, Networking in Surrey
United Kingdom
Profile Information:
Business Name (the main name you trade under)
freelancecopy.co.uk & NetworkingInUK.com
Type of Business
Marketing Copy Writer & Web Content Specialist in Surrey (& NiS Webmaster!)
Tell Us About Your Business
I'm a Marketing Communications Professional with extensive client side and agency experience. I've worked as a freelance copywriter since 1987, specialising in direct marketing, brochures, newsletters and web content, especially (but not exclusively) in the financial, technology, telecomms and leisure sectors. I have an entrepreneurial streak, having set up and running three businesses and I love training and presenting. I'm developing Networking in Surrey to promote and facilitate face-to-face local networking (kind of 'what it says on the tin' really!)
I'm also a Qualiified Trainer with ReallyConnect, the world's first Certified LinkedIn Training organisation, helping corporates and SMEs exploit the full potential of online business networking.
"Keith is Mr Networking in Surrey! Always smiling, always supportive - a natural networker. He has been a great help to me in promoting some workshops that I run. Thank you Keith."Ian Crocker, Abslolute Learning
"I met Keith through the Trafford Elmbridge Focus Group to which we both belong. Good company- he has also breathed new life - or at least new language and ideas into my marketing material and website. I advise clients to stick to what they do best and get specailist help in other areas. We forget this for ourselves at our peril!"Jeremy Webb, SatNav4Business
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT freelancecopy.co.uk) plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Enterprise Nation
Fabulous Networking
LinkedIn Local
MyTeam Network (Founder)
Omni business Development Network
Federation of Small Businesses
Zoco Networking
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Businesses whose website is not paying for itself and making a profit by consistently winning new customers - and anybody planning a new or revamped brochure, sales letter, newsletter, website or blog. And of course, anybody who networks in Surrey... or wants to learn how to use LinkedIn to grow their business!
Hello Keith, I can't upload my photo (260k JPG) either. I've tried a couple but no luck. Reading previous posts it seems to be a common problem so hopefully there's an easy fix...
Some new Members are finding it tricky to post a photo to their profile, so here's my standard reply for ref.
Please try following the steps set out here in our Help & How To section, and if that still doesn't work for you please attach a photo to an email to me keith@networkinginsurrey.co.uk and I'll play around with it to see what I can do.
One of the downsides of using off-the-peg software, which is the only way i can offer NiS as a free service is that we are at the mercy of the provider, Ning (the world's biggest social network platform provider). It's frustrating at times, but developing our own software would cost several thousands - and mean a charge to use the site, which we're keen to avoid for obvious reasons :0)
I would like to place an offer under 'coaching' in the offers sections: text below:
70% discount on coaching programme - I run a company called Brink and Beyond helping organisation turn their strategy into great performance. I have acquired a powerful coaching tool call Best Year Yet which has an outstanding track record of producing amazing results. I would like to pilot the process with 3 clients. The offer includes a 3 hour workshop and 3 coaching sessions at a heavily discounted price (+70%). The first step is a free session to see if there is a mutual fit.
Most of my business is done in London with the exception of a corporate client in Woking. It would however be interesting to meet agencies & brands in Surrey who use music in their marketing communications.
Thank you - Is it possible to add my Networking Event to this site - under regular groups, we have been established for 10 years - have a good strong group and meet in Wallington Surrey?
I have tried to add a couple of photos to my profile but neither will upload. I haven't had problems uploading these photos to other sites. Any ideas what the problem may be?
I am having the same problem as others, despite 6 attempts I can not upload a photo. I have used different photos and photos which I have placed elsewhere with no problems.
Also I notice that Surrey Business Network does not appear as an event on the list, I wondered why that was?
Most times it works first time (that's software for you :0) Could be browser related, or the connection timing out (or just gremlins). Please check you've followed the whole process here in our Help section...
If that doesn't work, create a temporary password (eg keith123) by going to Settings (below your Inbox, top right) then email the password to keith@networkinginsurrey and attach your photo, so I can try posting it for you (this has always worked so far..!)
Thank you for letting me in to your Networking in Surrey community.
I have just tried to upload my photo, but the computer says no. Have tried different .jpg and .png, but to no avail. All photo's were around 650 kb. Was there a photo size that I needed to be aware of? I did try 300*200 and 12 by 8 sizes.
Thanks Keith, glad to be back!
I've been off the scene as I've been concentrating on working in London the last couple of years after moving from Walton to Dorking, and now my twins have just turned four so I finally have more time to spend developing a new network locally.
Look forward to bumping into you again soon.
Kindest regards,
Most times it works first time (that's software for you :0) Could be browser related, or the connection timing out because your photo is quite large and your broadband speed is down (or just gremlins). As a rule photos with file sizes of around 500Kb or less work best. Please check you've followed the whole process here in our Help section...
If that doesn't work, create a temporary password (eg keith123) by going to Settings (below your Inbox, top right) then email the password to keith@networkinginsurrey and attach your photo, so I can try posting it for you (this has always worked so far..!)
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Email address link is corrected, picture uploaded and I have even listed my next event / meeting. I want to start my own page if I can, I'll have another look around and see if I can spot what I need to do, or if I have done so by adding an event.
Long time indeed! I didn't know it was you behind this site!
I've added my photo, as suggested.
I'd like to get out breakfast group Woking Independent Network listed, if possible. We meet at Gorse Hill every other Wednesday. Is that something I have to send to you manually or is there a way to add that through the site. Or do I just add our next event first?
Thanks for the welcome Keith. I'll certainly get my profile updated over the next couple of days. I'm looking forward to connecting people through this networking site.
Chris Reeves
Hello Keith, I can't upload my photo (260k JPG) either. I've tried a couple but no luck. Reading previous posts it seems to be a common problem so hopefully there's an easy fix...
Jun 3, 2014
Carolyn Gregson
Hi Keith.
Thank you for the welcome, I am away from my normal computer until next week, then I will post a photo and update my profile etc.
Many thanks
Jun 3, 2014
Mark Mortimer
Hi Keith,
I tried to upload several Jpeg photo with size limit but system rejects.
Any advice on this?
regards Mark
Jun 4, 2014
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Re Photo posting issues...
Some new Members are finding it tricky to post a photo to their profile, so here's my standard reply for ref.
Please try following the steps set out here in our Help & How To section, and if that still doesn't work for you please attach a photo to an email to me keith@networkinginsurrey.co.uk and I'll play around with it to see what I can do.
One of the downsides of using off-the-peg software, which is the only way i can offer NiS as a free service is that we are at the mercy of the provider, Ning (the world's biggest social network platform provider). It's frustrating at times, but developing our own software would cost several thousands - and mean a charge to use the site, which we're keen to avoid for obvious reasons :0)
Thanks for persevering with it all!
Jun 4, 2014
Emma Kendall
Hi Keith,
I hope you are well.
Could you kindly advise how i may advertise my 10% discount offer on our meeting rooms at Regus Express Cobham?
Many thanks
Jun 24, 2014
Ginny Reid
Thanks Keith!
Jul 8, 2014
Mark Mortimer
Hi Keith,
I would like to place an offer under 'coaching' in the offers sections: text below:
70% discount on coaching programme - I run a company called Brink and Beyond helping organisation turn their strategy into great performance. I have acquired a powerful coaching tool call Best Year Yet which has an outstanding track record of producing amazing results. I would like to pilot the process with 3 clients. The offer includes a 3 hour workshop and 3 coaching sessions at a heavily discounted price (+70%). The first step is a free session to see if there is a mutual fit.
Aug 5, 2014
Richard Kirstein
Thanks Keith - Yes, Emma Selby invited me.
Most of my business is done in London with the exception of a corporate client in Woking. It would however be interesting to meet agencies & brands in Surrey who use music in their marketing communications.
All the best!
Aug 6, 2014
Alison Johnston
Thanks Keith, it was actually a spelling mistake which was causing the URL not to work - not my expertise, but thanks for pointing it out.
Aug 24, 2014
Sarah Rigby
Thank you Keith - I have updated my photograph and profile. I look forward to attending a networking event soon. Thanks Sarah
Sep 5, 2014
Dan White
Hi Keith,
Thanks for the warm welcome! As you can see, I have added a photo. I look forward to meeting you and some of my fellow members soon.
Best regards,
Sep 5, 2014
Tim Mitchell
Hi Keith
Thanks for letting me in!
Great to reconnect with you again.
Kind regards
Sep 22, 2014
Michael de Lemos
Thank you - Is it possible to add my Networking Event to this site - under regular groups, we have been established for 10 years - have a good strong group and meet in Wallington Surrey?
Sep 23, 2014
Naziana Searle
I have tried to add a couple of photos to my profile but neither will upload. I haven't had problems uploading these photos to other sites. Any ideas what the problem may be?
Oct 13, 2014
Bob Knight
Thanks for your email - I've corrected the URL link (I hope) - a photo will follow in a few days (again I hope)!
Oct 14, 2014
Sarah Ford
I am having the same problem as others, despite 6 attempts I can not upload a photo. I have used different photos and photos which I have placed elsewhere with no problems.
Also I notice that Surrey Business Network does not appear as an event on the list, I wondered why that was?
thanks Sarah Ford
Oct 24, 2014
David Fletcher
Thanks Keith, I appreciate the welcome and look forward to extending my business network in the Guildford, Surrey area.
Nov 13, 2014
Steve Mills - Prudent Marketer
Thanks Keith and great to connect with you.
Steve Mills - The Prudent Marketer
Nov 17, 2014
Yvette Morrison
Many thanks Keith. I am hoping to get to some of the networking events in the New Year.
Nov 24, 2014
Martin Smith
Thanks for the welcome message Keith. I look forward to meeting up in the near future.
Dec 2, 2014
Paul Wrigglesworth
Hi Keith,
Many thanks. I look forward to meeting up soon.
Dec 16, 2014
Jeff Manion
Hi have joined via Michael DeLemos & Givers Gain.
Have tried to upload a photo (not one of me in my speedos', it did not work.
It is a 6MB file.
Jeff Manion
Jan 5, 2015
David Waterman
Thanks for the welcome Keith. I have posted a photo. I look forward to meeting you.
I joined via Michael De Lemos and Givers Gain
Jan 6, 2015
David Waterman
Hi Keith, I was recommended by Michale fro Givers Gain
Jan 6, 2015
Jocelyn Close
I have tried many times with different jpg photos all of which are only 3.3MB and none of them will load - can you advise what I should do please.
I look forward to hearing from you
Jan 6, 2015
Gilles Pelenc
Hi Keith,
I have been using the site for a long time, somehow I had never registered!
I have tried to upload a picture but I keep receiving an error message... It looks like I am not the only one from what I can see on the wall...
Please advise.
See you next week (or on Thursday at Walton Biscotti?)
Jan 13, 2015
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Difficulty uploading your photo?
Most times it works first time (that's software for you :0) Could be browser related, or the connection timing out (or just gremlins). Please check you've followed the whole process here in our Help section...
If that doesn't work, create a temporary password (eg keith123) by going to Settings (below your Inbox, top right) then email the password to keith@networkinginsurrey and attach your photo, so I can try posting it for you (this has always worked so far..!)
Jan 13, 2015
Dave Rainbow
Hello Keith,
Thank you for letting me in to your Networking in Surrey community.
I have just tried to upload my photo, but the computer says no. Have tried different .jpg and .png, but to no avail. All photo's were around 650 kb. Was there a photo size that I needed to be aware of? I did try 300*200 and 12 by 8 sizes.
Jan 22, 2015
Anna Carino
Feb 17, 2015
Beth Fox
I've been off the scene as I've been concentrating on working in London the last couple of years after moving from Walton to Dorking, and now my twins have just turned four so I finally have more time to spend developing a new network locally.
Look forward to bumping into you again soon.
Kindest regards,
Feb 22, 2015
Jeanette White
Hi Keith, photo upload all done. I'm looking forward to being a member of Networking in Surrey.
Mar 14, 2015
Radka Weeden
Hi Keith, I have tried to upload my photo but it doesn't seem to be working.
Any suggestion, and it is in the right format and with the MG limit.
Speak soon,
Have a great Easter.
Apr 4, 2015
Keith Grover, NiS Founder
Most times it works first time (that's software for you :0) Could be browser related, or the connection timing out because your photo is quite large and your broadband speed is down (or just gremlins). As a rule photos with file sizes of around 500Kb or less work best. Please check you've followed the whole process here in our Help section...
If that doesn't work, create a temporary password (eg keith123) by going to Settings (below your Inbox, top right) then email the password to keith@networkinginsurrey and attach your photo, so I can try posting it for you (this has always worked so far..!)
Apr 4, 2015
Marcus Atkins
Hi Keith,
Good to meet you too last week at Dorking Rugby Club; I've got a feeling that I'll be bumping into you more often from now on.
I have uploaded the photo of me, although I can't be blamed for the quality of the content.
Apr 13, 2015
Dave Rainbow
Hi Keith,
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Email address link is corrected, picture uploaded and I have even listed my next event / meeting. I want to start my own page if I can, I'll have another look around and see if I can spot what I need to do, or if I have done so by adding an event.
Apr 30, 2015
Stuart McAlister
Hi Keith,
Many thanks. Photo (such as it is), uploaded.
Kind regards,
Stuart McAlister
May 5, 2015
Tanya Pemberton
Hi Keith,
Thank you for the welcome comment. Have added my pic to my profile.
Kind regards,
May 20, 2015
Keith Kelly
Hi Keith, thanks for the welcome. I have tried uploading a photo without any success a couple of times, any advice?
May 20, 2015
Keith Kelly
All done, thanks Keith. Look forward to seeing you next week.
May 21, 2015
Elaine Way
Hi Keith
Thanks for your welcome - photo now added!
Kind regards
Jun 1, 2015
Emma Teagle
Hi Keith
Thank you for your email. I have tried uploading two photos now and it
keeps coming up with an error?
I wondered if you could help in any way?
Jun 3, 2015
Russell Atkins
Hi Keith,
Thanks for the comment - I will get a photo up asap.
Many thanks
Jun 23, 2015
Dave Duncombe
Apologies for the delay
I have now added a photo as requested.
Jun 30, 2015
Rhona Byrne
Dear Keith
I have tried various photos, none of which will attach. I need some help with this.
Jul 14, 2015
Ben Neale
Hi Keith,
Long time indeed! I didn't know it was you behind this site!
I've added my photo, as suggested.
I'd like to get out breakfast group Woking Independent Network listed, if possible. We meet at Gorse Hill every other Wednesday. Is that something I have to send to you manually or is there a way to add that through the site. Or do I just add our next event first?
Kind regards
Jul 14, 2015
Elaine Swift
Hi Keith - sorted! And like Ben, I had no idea you were behind this :)
Sep 24, 2015
Bjarke Jensen
Thank you Keith
I have just uploaded my photo and am looking forward to start using this site.
Oct 14, 2015
Mark Bonnett
Hi Keith,
Thanks for your email. My photo is now loaded.
Nov 20, 2015
Ben Lee
Thanks for the welcome Keith, look forward to meeting everyone here.
Nov 29, 2015
Julie Parker
Thanks for the welcome Keith. I'll certainly get my profile updated over the next couple of days. I'm looking forward to connecting people through this networking site.
Jan 11, 2016