Weybridge - Business Connector, Networking in Surrey
United Kingdom
Profile Information:
Business Name (the main name you trade under)
freelancecopy.co.uk & NetworkingInUK.com
Type of Business
Marketing Copy Writer & Web Content Specialist in Surrey (& NiS Webmaster!)
Tell Us About Your Business
I'm a Marketing Communications Professional with extensive client side and agency experience. I've worked as a freelance copywriter since 1987, specialising in direct marketing, brochures, newsletters and web content, especially (but not exclusively) in the financial, technology, telecomms and leisure sectors. I have an entrepreneurial streak, having set up and running three businesses and I love training and presenting. I'm developing Networking in Surrey to promote and facilitate face-to-face local networking (kind of 'what it says on the tin' really!)
I'm also a Qualiified Trainer with ReallyConnect, the world's first Certified LinkedIn Training organisation, helping corporates and SMEs exploit the full potential of online business networking.
"Keith is Mr Networking in Surrey! Always smiling, always supportive - a natural networker. He has been a great help to me in promoting some workshops that I run. Thank you Keith."Ian Crocker, Abslolute Learning
"I met Keith through the Trafford Elmbridge Focus Group to which we both belong. Good company- he has also breathed new life - or at least new language and ideas into my marketing material and website. I advise clients to stick to what they do best and get specailist help in other areas. We forget this for ourselves at our peril!"Jeremy Webb, SatNav4Business
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT freelancecopy.co.uk) plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Enterprise Nation
Fabulous Networking
LinkedIn Local
MyTeam Network (Founder)
Omni business Development Network
Federation of Small Businesses
Zoco Networking
What's A Good Business Lead For You? (potential customers, and anyone else you would like to connect with)
Businesses whose website is not paying for itself and making a profit by consistently winning new customers - and anybody planning a new or revamped brochure, sales letter, newsletter, website or blog. And of course, anybody who networks in Surrey... or wants to learn how to use LinkedIn to grow their business!
Rachel Hill
Hi Keith
I have added a photo but its rather old. I have aged! I had some headshots done yesterday so hopefully you can see the 'new me' (or older me) soon!
Looking forward to meeting more new faces.
Aug 9, 2024
Tim Peniston-Bird
Hi Keith yes long time no speak, picture uploaded
One thing - the Captcha should have current PM as Starmar not Sunak :) -
Would be great if you could join us on the initial Reiagte event 12th September?
Aug 22, 2024
thanks Keith.
Oct 9, 2024