Networking in Surrey

Wisdom, Experience and Starting Over

Last week I watched a program on television about 3 people in their fifties looking for work. The story was a familiar one, I’ve been there. Despite age legislation most people in this situation find themselves struggling to even get past the first hurdle (usually the recruitment agencies)!

So many people in their late forties and fifties are finding themselves in a position where they suddenly have to start over as a result of redundancy. It can be a daunting prospect. For those with long service there may be the cushion of a redundancy payment, others may not be so lucky.

And sadly, for this group of people, lightening does strike twice. Having found their way back into work it is not that uncommon for the older worker to find themselves quickly ushered again out as a result of the next economic downturn – only this time there won’t be the big pay out!

Seeing Beyond the Stereotype

Why are so many employers, so short sighted about the value that more experienced workers can bring to the workplace? Why do Recruitment Agencies and recruiting Managers seem to fall, all too often, for some stereotypical view of older workers? We are as unique in our forties and fifties as we were in our twenties, only now we have 30 years worth of knowledge and experience under our belt. Not only can we bring our technical knowledge and expertise but we can offer real wisdom and insights. And let’s not forget that with people living longer we are not talking about a workforce with only 10 more years of working life but with another 20 or even 30 productive working years ahead of them.

The Government has abolished the mandatory retirement age, brought in age discrimination laws and made it clear that, because of pension issues, to survive many of us are going to have to work until well into our seventies – well how are we supposed to do that when employers continue to discard their older more experienced workers and are unwilling to take people on in that age bracket?

Many people in this situation try self employment, knowing that they have something genuine to offer. Unfortunately more than 50% of new businesses fail within the first year. The reason is not that the new entrepreneur lacks ideas or technical abilities but because they lack the business skills to develop a successful business.


If you find yourself in this situation, as I have, I would love to help and there are a number of ways I can do that:

1)      If you have chosen to start your own business then I am very excited to be able to tell you that on the 1st of May I will be opening up applications for my Mastermind Mentoring programme. This programme is designed especially for you if you want to learn the tools, techniques and strategies of successful business people.

2)      If you need clarity and direction before making a decision then get in touch and let me share with you information about our life purpose coaching programmes.

3)      If you need help preparing yourself for those intensive selection interviews or just to rebuild your confidence and self esteem the our freedom coaching package could be the difference that makes a difference for you.

Whatever your choices I wish you success, happiness and a prosperous future.


Find out more here on my website or email:

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