Networking in Surrey

Profit Secrets of Authentic Business

As part of her highly inspiring talk on the profit secrets of authentic business, Success and Happiness Psychologist Kath Temple shared the following 3 simple, but highly important steps.

Step 1: Do what you do best!

This is about working within your genius zone and focusing your business on what it is that you do best. It is very easy to fall into the trap of becoming a generalist, putting your hand up for every opportunity that comes your way. A bit like Yosser Hughes from the television show Boys from the Black Stuff whose catch phrase was,”Gissa job”! Fear is what is driving you and so you try for any and every job that comes your way. Fear can also stop you niching but it is when you have a clearly defined niche that people really start to ‘get you’. You become an expert in their eyes (and if you are in your genius zone then you probably are) and it is then that you can begin to charge highly for what it is that you do.
So where is your niche? Try asking yourself, ‘what juices my bones? What would make me bounce out of bed in the morning? Then let go of the things that you are just ok at or even quite good at. Stay focused on:

  1. What juices your bones and
  2. What sits in your genius zone

Do more of what you love and more of what defines you as a person in this present moment. Neil Donald Walsh, in his book Conversations with God, says,

‘Change something not because it is wrong but because it no longer makes an accurate statement about who you are’.

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What would you have to do to find more joy in your life?

Step 2: Dream big, be bold and be different.

Some of us forget to dream big and the recession can make us play safe. Our education system is designed to make children conform but in truth we were not born to fit in. We were born to be outstanding. Be prepared to take a risk and be true to who you really are in your workplace and beyond.
In the marketplace you need to differentiate yourself. How can you use your personality and your values to create what it is that you want to create? Can you keep dreaming big and stop playing safe? Donald Trump says if you are going to be thinking… think big!

Step 3: Be your authentic self

’You might as well be yourself, all the other roles are taken’. – Oscar Wilde

What can you do in your workplace and in your business to let people know who you are? Does your place of work reflect your personality? Within the confines of your environment what freedoms do you have to be true to who you are? There are people out in the world who are waiting for you to show up and shine so what are you waiting for?

When people are not in alignment with their true purpose not only have they suffered a quiet tragedy but the world has too. Be self aware and allow your personality and your values to shine out in everything you do.

Be Brilliant, Be Bold and Be Authentic!


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