Networking in Surrey

Understanding Communication Preferences and Styles

So, last week’s Yateley Networking was the last one for 2016…

We had good attendance and many of the group participated with the Christmas Jumper/Outfit competition.  We were pleased to announce that Jason Dalton from Safe Hands Bookkeeping, won first prize and Peter Trembeth from Wealth Management,  came second.

Our ten-minute speaker slot was taken by Paul Maddison from Bookkeeping Intelligence who gave us a small questions and answer sheet to carry out. 

Depending on the score of your answers, you would then work out how to find out where you sit in the Communication Preference and Style Matrix. 

This Matrix shows you how much you maybe an Expressive, Amiable, Driven and Analytical person.

Given this result, it could then be used with your team, or when employing new staff, to ensure that you get a good mix of personalities within the team which would then work best for your business and help you to understand how different types of preferences can be worked with and handled.

It could also be carried out with clients, if you were to be working with them on a long-term basis and/or a one-to-one basis this would assist in the way that you work and deal with them to make that relationship run well to then enable you to provide the best working relationship to that client.

So, thank you very much Paul, I think that the group found this interesting and helpful.  If you would like to contact Paul regarding his bookkeeping, then visit his website to find out more

So, our first meeting in 2017 and will be on Wednesday 4th January, a nice early start back into the working world for those of us lucky enough to have the whole of the Christmas period off.

Take a look at our website for 2017 dates and to read previous blogs throughout 2016

That just leaves us to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Karen, Tara & Becky

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