Networking in Surrey


I read the other day about a little boy who was very sad because the girl in his class turned him down to go to the school dance.

What did his Mother say:  NEXT !

I think the same is true if you are facing redundancy; it’s a time for a new challenge and it can be very exciting but frightening at the same time.

You have money in your pocket – yippee – but what to spend it on?

Paying off your credit cards, loans?

Buying a new wardrobe of clothes?

Putting it away for a rainy day?

Putting some money towards your mortgage?

Giving some of it to family or a charity?

Learning a new skill?

A holiday, or that much needed new car?

Setting up on business on your own?

So many decisions, and you probably feel that you either have ‘forever’ to make them, or no time at all.

Whatever you decide to do, please write down all your expenditure for each month and work out how long that redundancy money will last you, and don’t forget the mortgage/rent, utility bills, food, clothing, entertainment/leisure and those Latte coffees(!) before doing anything.

Then make a plan.

If you are thinking of setting up on your own, firstly ask your family and friends what they think of your great ‘idea’ and ask for honest feedback.  Just because you believe that this new ‘widget’ or ‘service’ is brilliant, who will buy it, who is your target market, how much will they pay and most importantly will it pay the bills...?

Secondly, go to Business Link – – they have lots of useful information from helping you with creating a business plan (which is vital) to obtaining free help and advice.

So please do your homework, test the market, get an accountant, work hard and have fun, but please be realistic.


Jane Hardy

One Stop Financial Security

07768 197507





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