Networking in Surrey

Organising your works Christmas Party - a Checklist!

Tis the season to be organised! Seek out that fabulous venue that is going to give your Christmas Party the wow factor for food, feel and atmosphere. Some companies have already arranged the date and venue, others will still be looking at the beginning of December!

It can be daunting arranging the company Christmas Party, after all everyone is looking forward to it, nice meal, great atmosphere and enjoyable entertainment and music to make the evening to go with a swing… No pressure then!

If you are a seasoned organiser of the company event then you will have already trawled the Internet and social mags for the “in” venues, where the top Chefs do their thing. If you are new to the game then where do you start? What will people want to eat? What dietary requirements? How far will/should your budget take you? What timings should you work with, how many people will actually come, what type of entertainment should I arrange?

  • Where to start, a few questions to ask before you commence the search.
  • How far from the office do you wish to travel?
  • If you are going straight from work being close to the office is a real benefit, plus everyone getting home is a familiar route.. Which is always good after a few drinkies.
  • Do you want sit down dinner or a drinks canapé event?
  • Formal or something a little different, they are so many options to consider, perhaps a change is in order?
  •  Approx how many people? Always a good start..
  • What price per head do you want to pay - being realistic and understanding the best way to spend the budget!
  • Is entertainment important? Are the team happy just to eat or do they want music, games or entertainment?
  • What day of the week is best? The beginning of the week is generally better value during the Christmas period
  • Will your venue have sufficient space for the catering, entertainment and numbers? You don’t want mot be crushed in nor do you want to be in a aircraft hanger with a few people.

I hope this helps, enjoy organising.

Take care

Paul Maung Maung
Cinnamon active
T: 0044 (0) 208 979 0331

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