Networking in Surrey

Landing Pages - 4 tips to avoid conflict

We’ve all seen both good & bad landing or sign up pages on our digital travels.

However how often have you taken the time to consider what makes a good experience v a bad one?

Take a look at this chart;

Top tips to manage the natural landing page conflicts

There is often a very fine balance between capturing as much information as the business requires compared to what the user is willing to divulge to receive the benefit the business is offering.

As a business here are 4 tips to help get the balance right;

1. Set defaults to your preferences – generally people are lazy & will leave tick boxes alone if they are pre-ticked.

2. Don’t be pushy – only ask for the information you actually need & bracket answers eg age 35 – 44

3. Following the group is reassuring – show how many people have signed up already or if you are just starting include a few customer testimonials

4. Don’t strangle the impulse – keep users informed eg step 2 of 3

Above all put yourself in the shoes of your customer & reassure them that what they are giving you will be worth what you are about to give them.

In fact apply this to all your digital marketing & you won’t go far wrong!

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