Networking in Surrey

How to look 10 Years Younger - the easy way

I'm always a bit puzzled when people are happy to spend a lot of money on botox, fillers, collegen injections and expensive 'skin plumping' creams, when there is something far simpler that they can do that doesn't cost a penny.

If you do this every day, within 2-4 weeks you should expect the following results:

  • reduced shadows and puffiness under the eyes
  • less wrinkles
  • plumper lips
  • more joint mobility
  • brighter eyes
  • healthier gums
  • clearer skin
  • weight loss including reduced water-retention
  • more mental alertness

And that just the outside of your body.

Internally, your body is more detoxified, and can function in a far better way which in itself ensures less likelihood of future illness.

The thing that you need to do to achieve all this is probably something that you have been advised to do before, but may not have taken too seriously. I know, this happened to me, and it took a few years to take on board how significant this piece of advice was (even though I work in the health industry).

And here it is: drink 4 pints of pure, unadulterated cold water a day - more if you are working out.

The best way to do this is in half-pint glasses through-out the day. When you first start, you will notice that you need to spend a penny. Quite a lot. This is because your body may be so dehydrated that it acts like a dried-out chamois leather - the water just runs off and out. After 2-4 weeks however your body will start to absorb more of it and that's when you notice your improvements. These improvements will carry on over the months and years and people will start noticing how much younger you look!

When you think about it logically, it makes sense: We start life off with 75% water. But as we age, this goes down to 50% (our bodies can't function below this percentage). So we are like a plum turning into a prune, mainly because of the reduction in water content, which is something you can remedy!

For further medical info and an interesting story: "The Bodies many Cries for water (you're not sick, you're thirsty)"  by Dr. F Batmanghelidj


For natural solutions to health and well-being problems visit my website

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