Networking in Surrey

How Long is 60 Seconds? - How to write an effective 'elevator' business pitch

How to Write an Effective 60 Second ‘Elevator’ Business Pitch

You’re at a networking event or a seminar/conference/exhibition or trapped in a proverbial ‘elevator’ and have the chance to make a great first impression. What do you say to promote your business and gain a new business client? 60 seconds is all you’ve got to make an impact and the clock is ticking.

But, how long is 60 Seconds? The answer- Is between 150 and 200 words.

Knowing the approximate number of words immediately allows you to think of time in terms of parcels of facts and information. You can break down time into bite-size chunks and craft your message into an effective mini-presentation. One of the great benefits of preparing an ‘elevator pitch’ is that it demands an accurate and objective assessment of your business and the benefits you will bring to a new customer.

When you’re put on the spot your inner voice can calm you down and say:
“Don’t freeze, you’ve done your homework, you’ve rehearsed, you’ve prepared, you’re ready”. Why? Because you’ve followed a guide like the one below it will make every second count.

The 60 Second Template – Words by the Second
A Guide to Successful Business ‘Speed’ Pitching.

1. Your name, company name & what is your role or function?

Approx 10 seconds. – 30 words

2. What are your unique selling points – what makes you different – Why should I listen to you?

Approx 15 seconds – 45 words

3. What benefits will your organisation contribute to help a potential client?

Approx 20 Seconds. – 60/80 words

4. Ask whether they or someone they know would be interested in learning more/receiving a follow-up email/arrange a meeting

Approx 10 Seconds. – 30 words

5. Ask for their business card and give them yours

Approx 5 Seconds – 15 words

When you've finished preparing the first draft, think of ways you can improve it based on including any latest developments or connect your pitch to the event you are attending to create a relevant link of interest to those who you're speaking to.

Good luck - keep rehearsing and developing your skills. It'll will avoid you 'going blank' when put on the spot!

Views: 33

Comment by Steve Bridger on March 24, 2010 at 18:37
Peter, you're right. The more information you can absorb to be able to think on your feet and turn the moment to your advantage the better. It's a question of being sensitive to all the signals your personal radar is picking up gaining the benefit from it. It will take practice and be you've got to be prepared to judge when the time is right to 'go in with confidence' or take a softly softly approach.
Comment by Frank Rawding on March 25, 2010 at 20:46
Being new to the art of pitching in a networking level, I find these details will be very helpful in the early stages for me, thanks for posting the details Steve.
Comment by Steve Bridger on March 25, 2010 at 22:03
Frank. Superb. I'm delighted to help. The key thing is to try to develop a pitch that covers the key points of your proposition but to update and refresh on a regular basis. I've sat in BNI meetings in the past with people repeating the same words week after week. Keep it topical and relevant to your audience - reading your audience is vital as you have to pitch at the right level to receptive minds. Good luck!

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