Networking in Surrey


Explore the business promotion opportunites of an ebook with

A swift blog to break to the news that my new ebook 'Fast Track Your Business Writing Skills - and the 52 training chart accompaniment : have just gone live on

If you're thinking of a new,flexible and imaginative way to promote your business or product it can be done for FREE using You simply produce your information using a word doc then convert using pdf995 then upload the pdf format to the myebook website.

Apart from the written word you can incorporate sound and vision either as a background to your ebook or embed a YouTube video as part of the presentation.

It does not have to be long - short and snappy could be good - also you will have a URL to circulate to potential customers and link with your other socio-business networking activities.

Also - become an author for you own personal creative writing - its great to see other people reading your work! Search for SCAM on myebook to see what I mean - the readership numbers will give you an idea of what you can do to air your work and get some reader reaction going!

Give it a go - simple and effective.

Steve Bridger
0208 224 9381

Views: 32

Comment by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on February 19, 2010 at 16:13
A useful post, Steve - thanks for sharing the info.

This is a clever software service - I will have a better look around the site when I get a moment. Please let us know for the benefit of all NiS Members whether it proves a useful marketing tool, and how well you get on with selling your ebook in this format.

I wonder, do buyers get to download anything, or is it just access to the book online that they're buying? I noticed the screen grab option, but couldn't initially see where it was saved to.

I love the talking books, such as the Spanish children's fairy story - I can quite see the attraction of that for kids (and big kids like me!) I can also see myebook might be a novel way to make a business or marketing presentation. Isn't technology fun?

Comment by Steve Bridger on February 19, 2010 at 16:26
Keith, really pleased with your comments! - I really like dropping fresh ideas into the pot and you can imagine companies using tailored ebooks to promote themselves or even for internal briefings for their sales people - especially if they are spread all over the country or even wider afield.

I look forward to meeting you to explore ways I can support you and NiS - Best Friday afternoon wishes!
Comment by Steve Bridger on February 19, 2010 at 16:30
Keith, Sorry Friday-Brain-Dead - the answer is that people can read the free ebooks online but in the ecommerce section - for example the ones for Fast Track - you can read a certain number of pages for free then if you decide to buy then you use Paypal and download the whole content. I do hope to do a little presentation in May with 'The Dos Davids' - a smidgeon of Spanish humour - about Fast Track in which I will explore the uses of business ebooks - that's if Tom Evans hasn't got there first!!

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