Networking in Surrey

The first thing any new potential client, who is interested in what you have to offer, is going to do is Google your name, and if not your name, then your business. So what is Google saying about you? Are you in control of that? (You need to be). What are you doing to build your reputation in your marketplace? Are you visible? Are you being seen as 'the one to go to'? How are you marking your differentiation?

An awareness of your position in the throng of similar businesses out there is vital. The development of your presence both on and offline will enable you to develop and grow relationships, this will lead to trust and respect from other people and the growth of potential revenue. All this is a far easier thing to do when people recognise your expertise and your availability to them.

I am currently developing a far more emotional engagement with my audience through the use of video email which has had a startling effect on responses to my enquiries, and I believe that giving away as much information as possible is also a premium method of gaining respect and acknowledgement as an expert, so I am also developing free video broadcasts which will be my route to market in 2011.

Video is the route to more customer interaction and is already proving to be the most successful of online communications. Modern systems are quick and very simple to use and are remarkable in their differentiation from normal text emails and modern video email systems can show you whether or not your 'Vmail' has been opened so that you quickly know whether your message has arrived or not.

As a strategic move into 2011 and to develop your personal brand and build your reputation, video email and broadcasting would be a valuable addition to your marketing arsenal.

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