Networking in Surrey

A Very Useful Free Checklist For Your Marketing Messages

As a copywriter I always like to learn from the best, and Drayton Bird (crazy name, crazy guy:0) is a Direct Marketing guru who is always worth listening to... He's British, and advertising legend David Ogilvy, who he worked with while at O&M Direct said of him, "Drayton Bird knows more about direct marketing than anyone else in the world".

I heartily endorse this checklist, which he recommends you should apply to any piece of advertising your produce...

"For more years than I care to contemplate I have tried to determine what makes messages sell. Not based on my opinion, but on all the available research and testing.
So here's a checklist based on what I learned you must look for if you want to sell.

A quick creative checklist

1. The opening must quickly offer or clearly imply a clear, strong benefit.

2. Is everything instantly clear? If it's funny, clever or obscure - beware.

3. Unless you give every sensible reason to buy, answer obvious questions, overcome all reasonable objections, you'll lose sales.

4. Is what you sell fully, clearly described?

5. Is the tone right? Don't be funny about serious things (eg, charity, business or money).

6. Show it to someone uninvolved, preferably a likely prospect. Ask if they understand it - and if they would buy.

7. Do you prove your claim is true? Testimonials? Independent figures?

8. Do you ask firmly enough for a reply, tell people precisely what to do? Repeat your arguments at that point.

9. Is the coupon, order form or request to reply big enough, clear, simple and easy to use?

10. Read the copy aloud. Does it sound like someone talking? Good!

You may find using this check-list a bit of bore. But a lot less boring than stuff that flops.

Because if you want to sell, you'll find that some, perhaps many of your messages miss one or more of the points above. And if you look out for them I promise you will improve your results - perhaps so much it will surprise you.

By the way, the principles are similar, but not identical, in advertising not designed to sell immediately, which usually (but not always) has less copy. And usually (but not always) would be a damn sight better if it did try to sell immediately."

Visit for more wisdom and an offer to join his marketing club (and as usual, I'm not on commission for this, so it's entirely your call whether you sign up!)

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