Networking in Surrey

9 Steps to getting more Reach on Facebook page posts...

We were introduced to many of the ins and outs of Facebook for Business at the MyTeam Network RoundTable in Cobham last week by top bloke, Social Media Wizard and NiS Member Mark Hughes of Funky Social Media.

How apposite then that NiS Member and Social Marketing Queen Veronica Pullen should choose to blog about Facebook this week - small(-ish) world!

Veronica and hubby Bill Boswell have relocated to the Isle of Wight, but remain Members of NiS because they operate beyond geographical boundaries to work their magic :0)

Here's the intro to Veronica's blog - you can click through to read the whole story (or at least, half of it, because it's a 2-part blog, packed with goodies...

"As an administrator of a Facebook business page, if you’ve taken notice of your page posts reach in the past couple of weeks, I’m sure you’ve noticed a decrease in the number of people who see your posts – known in Facebook language as “Reach”?

A few weeks ago, Facebook issued an official statement that declared they would now be focusing on showing page posts in your newsfeed that you “want to see”.

We’ve always known that for every 100 people who like your Facebook page, only around 16 of those were seeing your posts. So bearing thist in mind, their latest announcement has brought about another tweak. Of those 16 people who were seeing your posts, they will only continue to them if they are interested in seeing them.

And as they don’t call every user up and ask them what they want to see, they have to make assumptions. These assumptions are the basis for their algorithm – commonly referred to as Edgerank. read more here...] 

Views: 60

Comment by Veronica Pullen on February 8, 2014 at 11:01

Hey Keith, thank you for sharing this - lovely surprise to spot my name in the weekly round up (told you I always read them!)

Miss you! Hopefully you'll visit us on one's royal island soon?! xx

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