Networking in Surrey

January 2016 Blog Posts (2)

What is a Virtual Assistant?

Do you know what a Virtual Assistant is?

Even if you do, do you know how they can help you or are you scared to try?

If your business is growing and you could do with some extra help, but don’t want to start employing people, then step into the 21st century and consider turning virtual into reality!

A virtual assistant is a highly skilled professional who offers business support services virtually.  This means they are located off site, are independent but specialise in…


Added by Julie Parker on January 14, 2016 at 12:22 — No Comments

THAT 'new year, new you' thing... Hmmm.

See the thing is, people do the same thing each year - over indulge over the break and then go for a new routine, usually to lose weight, but really to feel better - often subconsciously out of guilt, the new year.

But, this doesn't work very well, and here's why!  When people attempt too many things, they fail - or succeed only at few, and poorly.

So - think about it.  Think about the changes you're making, a change of routine compared to the last few…


Added by Adam Stevens on January 4, 2016 at 19:27 — No Comments

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