Networking in Surrey

Jan Webb
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Jan Webb's Network

  • Alastair Macmillan
  • Natasha Roberts
  • Martin Fowler
  • Peter Dixon
  • Elane Vass
  • Paul Wigley
  • Rhiannon Ford
  • Georgette Priestley
  • Keith Grover, NiS Founder

Jan Webb's Page

Profile Information

The Name your business trades under
Creating Sales and Enhance Recrtuitment Ltd
Type of Business
Creating Sales Telemarketing and Enhance Recruitment - recruitment
Tell Us About Your Business
Creating Sales provides sales and marketing support specialising in Telemarketing - lead generation, appointment setting, event boosting, mailshot follow ups, email marketing, surveys etc.
Making contact and building solid relationships with decision makers/prospects can take time, and not everyone has the time or the inclination to pick up the phone.This is where we can help. We have the experience and the skills to talk to the right people at the right time. Professional, Flexible, Affordable services with no contractual tie-in.
Feedback from clients has proved that they have liked my approach when contacting prospects on their behalf, and success has been down to my ability to understand clearly the product or service they offer. Due to the fact that all campaigns are carried out by one account manager only, we can assure continuity throughout the campaign. They also like the detailed reports provided giving them invaluable information for them to use within their own future marketing campaigns.
If you ever wondered if Telemarketing can work for your business, please give me a call for an informal discussion.

Enhance Recruitment is based in Woking and caters for permanent and contract employment within IT, Construction and Commercial sectors.
What Type Of Networking Events Are You Interested In?
Free, Fundraising, Informal, Lunch, Seminars
Which Local Towns Are You Likely To 'Network' In?
Guildford, Woking
Business Website Address and
Contact me: Main email (you may prefer to enter using 'AT' instead of @ - eg keith AT plus your business phone number - and any other Website or Blog URL Office:01483 600449 Office 01483 343929
Mobile: 07786 736474
Which online or offline business networking groups do you belong to? (Please type 'none' if you're new to networking)
Best of Guildford, INF, Ripley Connections, Fabulous Women (Woking) Linkedin, twitter, facebook
When we approve your Profile do you agree to set up your NiS Membership subscription (currently £15/quarter via PayPal)
SME's who require assistance with promoting awareness of their product/service to other businesses, or seek assistance with general sales and marketing activities, especially telemarketing. We can work with companies who have an established Marketing division and need support , or those who outsource their sales/marketing. Any business looking to employ a temporary or permanent member of staff.
How Did you Hear About Us?

Jan Webb's Blog

Why you should consider Telemarketing within your marketing strategy

Posted on June 19, 2013 at 13:30 1 Comment

Every business needs to be marketed to some extent, whether it’s word of mouth or a full-on marketing campaign.

Businesses need marketing because even if you have a fantastic product or service that would be very useful to a certain group of people, if they don’t know you exist they’re not going to come looking for you.  Posters, adverts and mailshots all have their place but they’re not necessarily seen by your target audience. Telemarketing, on the other hand, is…


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At 8:45 on August 16, 2012, Natasha Roberts said…

Hi Jan

Hope all well with you. Sorry not to have seen you at WIBN but know things do change but hope to see you again at some point.

All the best


At 15:11 on August 7, 2012, Keith Grover, NiS Founder said…

Hi Jan 

Thanks for joining us, and welcome to the Networking in Surrey community. I hope you find the site useful for planning your networking.

Now that your profile is live, it would be great if you could take a moment to post your photo in place of the 'anonymous silhouette' provided by the software!

Best regards



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