Networking in Surrey

Natter with Nick: Tea-Time Online

Event Details

Natter with Nick: Tea-Time Online

Time: April 17, 2020 from 3:30pm to 4:15pm
Location: Online only
Event Type: online, networking
Organized By: Nick Blanchard
Latest Activity: Apr 16, 2020

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Event Description


(every Monday at 10am and every Friday at 3.30pm...)

I'm Nick Blanchard, and for any newbies I haven't met out there, I’m missing real Networking so much I run these free friendly sessions where we can meet up virtually……It’s nothing like the real thing, but boy it helps me!!) 

It lasts 40 minutes only, I try and make it as positive as possible in these troubled times, IT IS NOT an Online Business Network, it is a friendly group of people I have met over the years coming together to share positivity, but it does include Accountants/HR experts/Mindset Coaches……folks who are VERY USEFUL ATM!!!!!!

Today, we'll be sharing what you have missed the MOST this past month….. and our 3-Minute Tips Slot is from Andrew Segal, reassuring us that ‘YES…It IS possible to sleep at night with debt’!

(I'm looking for relevant experts to do a 2/3 min piece each week that other folks might be find useful!)

Pop in and say hi, no pressure whatsoever…and if there is ANYTHING you need particular help with….JUST YELL!!!!

Any questions, or if you just fancy a chat, please get in touch - and if you know anybody who might like to join us, PLEASE SHARE THE LINKS ... THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!!!


BOOKING: Please click this link to join our Zoom Meeting (same link for every Friday session) Meeting ID: 629 504 254


Here is a link to a FREE calendar function which automatically puts all the dates (and links!) into your online calendar…
(just register and follow the instructions, as I said totally free!!) 

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