Networking in Surrey

Mole Valley & Surrey Chambers Live! Breakfast, Dorking

Event Details

Mole Valley & Surrey Chambers Live! Breakfast, Dorking

Time: November 15, 2023 from 7:30am to 9:30am
Location: The Watermill
Street: Reigate Road
City/Town: Dorking RH4 1NN
Website or Map:…
Phone: 07789 035553
Event Type: business, networking
Organized By: Richard Excell
Latest Activity: Nov 10, 2023

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Event Description

Family Law – What you need to know

Demelza Patricio of TWM Solicitors and Michelle Truelove from Surrey Hills Solicitors are our Speakers, and they will be talking about:

  • Cohabitation – many people don’t realise that there is no ‘common law marriage’ and so couples who live together without being married have no claims on each other. If they own a property jointly there are some possible pitfalls as they will be assumed to each have a 50% interest in the property unless they have a declaration of trust recording that one of them has invested more money than the other. This can all result in unfair situations on separation.
  • Prenuptial agreements – these carry much more weight than they used to and are very helpful for some couples.
  • ‘The bank of Mum and Dad’ – rising house prices have meant that parents often lend or give money to adult children to help them buy a property – what can be done to try to protect that money if the child separates or divorces?

  • Modern families – surrogacy and sperm donor agreements.
  • Amicable ways of resolving issues on separation – mediation, collaboration, round table meetings – family lawyers work together much more than people probably realise.
  • Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney – why you need them and what can happen if you don’t have them. Whilst this isn’t our area of specialism, it touches on the work we do and will be relevant to most people so we can give a brief explanation.

7:30am arrival for an 8:00am breakfast which will finish between 9:00-9:30am.

Bookings must be made and paid-for online ahead of the event, and ticket Sales will end at 5pm on Tuesday 14 November.

We do hope you will join us, and look forward to seeing you there!

COST: £15 Mole Valley & Surrey Chamber & Dorking BID Members, Non-Members £20  including breakfast

BOOKING: Please CLICK HERE to book your place


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