Networking in Surrey

FREE Surrey 'Christmas' Jelly Day, Caterham

Event Details

FREE Surrey 'Christmas' Jelly Day, Caterham

Time: December 15, 2010 from 9:30am to 4pm
Location: Bronzeoak Business Centre CR3 6JG
Street: Stafford Road
City/Town: Caterham, Surrey CR3 6JG
Website or Map: http://www.bronzeoakbusinessc…
Phone: 01883 332600
Event Type: free, co-working, caterham, surrey_jelly
Organized By: Lyn French
Latest Activity: Dec 15, 2010

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Event Description

FREE Surrey 'Christmas' Jelly Day at the Bronzeoak Business Centre

Welcome to Surrey 'Christmas' Jelly!

Based in Surrey? Fancy escaping from the (home)office and working alongside other like-minded business people for one day each month?

Bronzeoak Business Centre are hosting Surrey 'Christmas' Jelly in their fabulous conference room with 'pay-as-you-go'tea and coffee and we'll provide festive treats and mince pies. There's free wifi, and parking close by.

What is Jelly?

Jelly is a casual monthly co-working event, where homeworkers, freelancers, and small business owners who want a change of working scene can get together with their laptops to meet new people and work together in a social environment. It's work with a bit of chat, sharing ideas, helping others with business issues, passing on tips and maybe even collaborating on a new project. Jelly is NOT networking for new clients, pitching your business or trying to sell - all of which are frowned upon! Jelly started in the US and is now in the UK with new co-working groups starting up every month - come along and give it a try!

What does it cost ?Its FREE to attend - just bring some money for tea or coffee. and your own lunch (there's a supermarket two minutes' walk away.

When is it?Surrey Jelly is monthly thereafter. Places are limited and will need to book a free ticket - available two weeks prior to the event their release will be announced on the JellySouthEast page on Facebook


There are 5 free spaces at Bronzeoak - apply on the link above and get a parking permit from the receptionist - otherwise there's fee parking along Stafford Road.

Do I have to stay all day?

Turn up at any time, introduce yourself to the organiser, plug in your laptop and access the wi fi, and you're off! Stay as long as you like, and fit Jelly around your commitments, like the school run.

Do I qualify?

If you're a business person with a laptop or paperwork to keep you busy, you're in! Still researching a new business? Come along and get some inspiration.

Who's organising it?

NiS Members Lyn French and Hazel McLellan of - the website where you can check out local businesses and professionals recommended by their customers for the great service they provide.

Any questions?

Message @SurreyJelly on Twitter or email You MUST sign up to attend as we are strictly limited to 12 places. When we're full you go the waiting list - so if you get a ticket and can't attend PLEASE let us know - thanks!

Comment Wall

Comment by Avril Jones LRPS on December 15, 2010 at 9:11

Apologies - was planning to attend, but home office urgently requires my attention.  That's as in my office at home, not The Home Office!

Will try really hard to be there next time.

Comment by Lyn French on December 15, 2010 at 15:55

We look forward to meeting you at Jelly in the New Year. Don't forget that you need to book a free ticket by following the link to Eventbrite that I will put on here. We need people to book as places are limited.

Have a lovely Christmas.


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