Networking in Surrey

We have a growing membership here............but how many of your contacts have you met?

There is something inherently comfortable isn't there about belonging to a group like this. One thing in common is that we all share the same geography; we all are familiar with towns of those we meet work or live in and may have heard of the organisations they work for.

Whilst many of us may be quite well connected with those in this group, how many of you have met even a fraction of those you are connected to here?

I'd love to provide you all the opportunity to meet face to face at an event I am running to facilitate just that opportunity in a warm and welcoming environment without having people thrusting cards in your hand, pinning you into a corner until you submit and sign an order form or hassling you after the event :)

On November 3rd at the Holiday Inn sees another lively networking opportunity run by Business-Scene offering a diverse group of local business men and women to meet.
Brad Burton is our guest speaker who is a highly entertaining and will impart some great ideas on how to grow your business and in a very humorous way as you will see!
Finger food and drinks are also included in the ticket price (£10 +VAT) to ensure you don't become hypoglycaemic or faint with thirst.

I'd love to meet as many of you as possible; so do use this link to look further at the details planned for the evening and for those wanting to exhibit, there is a great opportunity to do that for a modest fee.
Do please contact me if you have any queries or want to know more and really look forward to meeting you,

Andrew Widgery
p.s whether you are able to attend or not, do please connect with me. Thank you.

Views: 37

Comment by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on September 30, 2010 at 15:01
Great post, Andrew!

I thoroughly agree that face-to-face is where trusted relationships are formed and business gets done, and NiS was conceived as an online resource to facilitate offline networking. And I shall certainly be coming to hear Brad Burton - I missed him at your recent Sussex event (because the M25 was at a standstill - again :-) and he is high on my list of 'speakers I want to hear'!


Comment by Andrew Widgery on September 30, 2010 at 15:14
Thanks Keith for your support and Yes you will not be disappointed; the audience at Gatwick absolutely loved Brad,
I look forward to seeing you there,

warmest regards

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