Networking in Surrey

Walton Festival of Light: Volunteers needed (great networking opportunity!)

We have started the run-up to the Walton Festival of Light on Saturday 19th November and I am helping to rustle up some volunteers to walk with the procession around the town.

The volunteers will be walking with the Big Builds (lanterns)  and basically doing the Health and Safety drill as in previous years. If you are interested in volunteering please let me know. Last year was a huge success and we had a few volunteers from Forsyth helping which was fantastic.

The procession starts at the back of Hobbs at 5.30pm and processes around the Town as usual. When the Christmas Tree lights are switched on by Santa there will be music from Radio Jackie. During the day there will be stalls, music etc all around town building up to the procession in the evening.

Some local businesses are sponsoring the Big Builds which is another area you might be interested in. Last year Pal from Forsyth sponsored a lantern, we have some more fantastic photos from last years parade here... 

(PALS sponsored lantern – photos 46/47).

Please let me know if you are able to help as a volunteer. If you would like to sponsor a lantern and have your logo on a big build please contact:
Mrs Sam Thompson - Administrator/Project Manager
The RC Sherriff Trust
Case House
85-89 High Street
Walton on Thames
Surrey KT12 1DZ
Tel: 01932 229996
Mobile: 07810 564602
Thank you, please pass on to colleagues and if you have any questions please let me know.
Kindest regards, Marcia


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