Networking in Surrey

Top tips to keep your office workspace sparkling clean!

Basic equipment for cleaning the office – Tips from RPC Cleaning

Lots of us spend plenty of our waking hours in the office. But, while we are busy with work, the clutter around our individual workspaces can start to pile up. So it’s a good idea to start a regular cleaning routine to clear some of it up – if not all of the clutter that has built up! Here we provide a few tips to help you effectively clean your office workspace.

Separate your workspace into zones

Set aside spaces in your workspace for specific purposes. You may want to give some space for your computer, some shelves for your books and folders and a place to store all the paper and office supplies that you have – which can be lots! Dividing your work area into zones essentially clears up some space from the clutter that should not be there!

Keep your essential items at arm’s reach

To keep your desk clutter-free, place only what you need regularly within arm’s reach. This includes your essential office supplies, your computer, and only the paper that you need at the moment. Everything else should be filed away and stored in designated places. That could also include your coffee cup and any cutlery you use when eating your lunch.

Have a robust paper filing system in place

Let’s face it; the number one clutter in the office is paper – but a bit less than it used to be as so much is stored digitally now. Having an efficient filing system can keep the clutter to a minimum. If you use a colour-coded system for filing paperwork, you will know where to look for the ones that need your attention the most. A great idea for a filing system is having a separate file for every day of the week. You should also have a filing cabinet or space for the documents that you need to store for future reference, plus ones that you have to store by law for a certain amount of years.

Add sorting partitions to your drawers

Drawers can accumulate a lot of junk as it is hidden and you may forget it is there. Adding sorting partitions like ones for pens, paper clips, and other items can keep your drawers from being swamped with all that extra clutter. Having sorting partitions can also give you the benefit of seeing what is out of place, and what needs disposing of to make it easier to maintain your drawer order.

Disinfect all surfaces regularly

Research has shown that germs are abundant in the workplace. It’s mostly true of spaces like your desk and the computer keyboard. Make it a habit of disinfecting all the surfaces of your workspace at least once a week and particularly if you share a desk or a phone with colleagues. Avoid eating at your desk as much as possible, as food particles are the main culprit for the increase in germs. Try to move the items on your shelves and wipe them clean as much as possible as they can accumulate dust and other allergens.

Hooks for personal items

Hooks add extra space for storage and prevent personal items from adding to the clutter. A robust hook for your coat, bags, and even for an extra pair of shoes would keep them from straying into other parts of your workspace, plus it is a great way to help you to adhere to health and safety regulations too. It also saves you the trouble of having to look for them beneath all the clutter when you actually need them and are in a rush.

Keeping your office workspace clean is vital for a healthy environment. Considering how much time we spend behind our office desks, it’s good practice to always keep it tidy and clean. If you take the time to clean up everything as you go, you will feel happy to work in your space and be more productive. It’s also a good example for your workmates, so they can lead to a clutter-free and clean office life too.

RPC Cleaning is keen and ready to provide your workplace or home with a completely clean and germ-free cleaning service. For tips and cleaning services which are tried, tested and proven, please call us today's class at 0208 994 4778!

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