Networking in Surrey

Life insurance premiums for women will rise by up to 15% before the end of the year with implementation of the EU Gender Directive due on 21 December 2012.

So if you want to do something about it, the time to do so is rapidly running out.

Although life cover has been traditionally cheaper for women because on average they live longer than men, premium costs are likely to increase as both men and women will soon have to pay the same basic premiums.

To avoid this impending price hike, all new policies must have a start date of no later than 20 December 2012.

And to qualify for gender specific premiums applications must be underwritten and accepted with the premium and any exclusions clearly defined, although the premium doesn’t need to have been paid until 20 December 2012.

However, one word of warning, some insurers may start to change to gender neutral pricing before then

When 20 December 2012 has passed it won’t be possible to secure gender specific premiums in the future as start dates cannot be back dated. So come 21 December, it will be too late.

It is also important not to leave things to the last minute - give the insurance company time to do its work.

Almost all life insurance goes through an underwriting process, for some this is almost instant but for others it can involve getting a standard report from your doctor which can take up to four weeks.

Given that there is likely to be a last minute rush and that there is no flexibility on the cut-off date applying early could be prudent.


If I can be of any help in terms of reviewing existing arrangements or implimenting new ones, please let me know.

As always thanks for your attention.

Mark (

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