Networking in Surrey

Online + Offline = Oneline. A Straight Line...

Yesterday, a perfect example of the straight line connection between online and offline behaviour was shown on a TV news programme.  Christmas sales were in full flight and the interviewer was speaking to a shopper who was using an app on his smartphone to read QR codes and barcodes to gather product and pricing information. 

First the offline link in the purchase line.  The shopper was in a high street shop; he’d sorted through a number of DVD box sets and found the one he wanted to buy.  The price was clearly marked on the item as you would expect – it was also encoded.

Now, to the online link - his app converted the QR code to a URL that immediately brought up the product website.  Additionally he could go to other price comparison sites.  The £50 price tag in the high street was countered by a £15 online offer.  The shopper slipped his smartphone into his pocket and left the store.  

Okay, he would have to buy online and wait for delivery but the saving was worthwhile.

What do we learn from this? 

Skipping over the obvious cut price benefit, we see the inter-connectedness of online and offline, the way they are both integral parts of the same straight line. The process can start either online of offline. For example, after online research has been completed and offline visit to test drive a car, or see and feel a product that is only visualised in a photo or video on the net.

Going to a car showroom or a high street shop has one wonderful advantage – humans!  You gain reassurance that you’ve chosen the right product.  You gain the personal sales support and quick response to diverse questions.  You see and take home a brochure or take advantage of attractive finance deals.  As one human to another, you can take the car for a spin and feel the cool wind in your hair!

The Networking Version

The same dynamic relationship happens in business networking. Instead of buying a car - you’re buying a person.  Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook could be the first contact with someone who interests you, who could be good for your business.  It is only when you meet offline - and look into their eyes, shake their hand, sit down over a coffee and chat that a relationship begins and trust starts to be built.  Humans like other humans – or not.  But that’s what you find out for yourself when you convert online to offline.


Straightline Training

At Straightline Training we understand that it is easy to get side-tracked with the latest gadgets or the hottest new social media development.  It’s easy to think the online is the answer or offline is 'Old Skool'.  The truth is that to deliver consistent success over the long term you need skills in both camps – because online and offline are two sides of the same coin.  Better communication skills in both areas, leads to better understanding, better decision making and better business. 

How do the lyrics of that song go?  We two are one.

Come along to our Straightline Training Day on 25th January - see for booking details - Thanks!



Views: 52

Comment by Mark Hughes on January 9, 2013 at 16:03

New Blog article - Online + Offline = Oneline? Read more here ==>

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