Networking in Surrey

Travel Safety and Security - Foreign Office Update (Spain)

FCO Travel Advice – Spain

The FCO travel advice for Spain has been updated with regards to thefts at airports. Please find an extract of the advice below.

Safety and Security - Crime

The vast majority of visits made to Spain by British nationals are trouble-free. Be alert to the existence of street crime, especially thieves using distraction techniques. Thieves often work in teams of two or more people and tend to target money and passports. In many cases, one person distracts the victim while the accomplice(s) perform the robbery. When carrying valuables (e.g. credit cards or cash) don’t keep them all in one place, and remember to keep a photocopy or scanned copy of your passport somewhere safe.

A significant number of Emergency Travel Documents issued by consulates in Spain are as a result of travellers having their passports stolen while passing through the airport, when arriving in or departing from the country. Special care should be taken to guard passports, money and personal belongings when collecting or checking in luggage at the airport and also while arranging car hire.


*** Tony's Top Travel Tips - No. 3: If you are flying, you should expect your checked baggage to arrive with you... However, if you're going to a beach resort, I suggest that you always pack a spare top, undies, toothbrush and swim wear in your hand baggage, it won't take much space and might save a spoiled day.


For help with all your travel and holiday needs, please visit the Specialist Travel website

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