Networking in Surrey

Upcoming free events - and recent goodies I've enjoyed...

Unfortunately these  FREE sessions (I'm going to both!) haven't made it into the NiS calendar as of now - but two are in London, to be fair!

There's a FREE GDPR training from OMNI, Monday May 21 @ the Mulberry Bush, Waterloo, 16.30-17.30 - check it out here...

TIP: If places are available, any who attend this OMNI training are usually offered a discount for the evening meeting.

If anybody is still unsure about this monumental change then suggest you take advantage of this FREE training session by Derek Williamson - whom I rate extremely highly (he's been a business associate for many years).

Next is Adam Shaw's FREE Presentation skills this Tuesday May 22 @ Old Street - a must for any business person 'pitching' either for customers or funding - here's the link...

Tip:  Adam made an extra generous offer to those who attended his last FREE session (when I booked) so rather than simply sign up why not try out his FREE session AND obtain a valuable concession?

Here's a long overdue feedback on 2 (actually 4!) recent events I attended:

1. Keith's LinkedIn workshops (so good I attended both!) turned out to be a masterclass in life management!  I believe the most valuable commodity one has is TIME and  here is just one of his many tips.  When approached to make a connection, have all your considered responses saved so you can simply select the appropriate one instead of laboriously composing an individual message each time, If you get 6 requests a week, saving a few minutes on each adds up to hours in the long run - worth thinking seriously about.  

2. The 'bonus' session 'Google my Business' sandwiched between the 2 LinkedIn sessions is worthy of its own slot.

3. Diane Mitchell's WWW Festival (I actually sat next to this amazing lady during 2 of the above events) at Kempton Park again had so many positives.  My main suggestion from the many is to check out the eye opening Clandon Wood project.  "How can you possibly explain someone's whole life in 20 minutes" was extremely thought provoking.

Hope to catch y'all this Monday & Tuesday!

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