Networking in Surrey

Networking in Surrey News – week beginning 26 March 2012

What a glorious day! A cloudless blue sky, bright sunshine and gentle breeze with spring flowers brightening up the place – pity we have to work for a living, rather than just sitting in the garden with a Pimm's and a good Kindle...

You can be fairly sure that the weather won't last until Easter - but let's make the most of it for now. It's all systems go on the networking scene as ever. Isn't it great that the people you meet when you're out networking are all very upbeat about their business? I guess it's the good guys who go networking (but I would say that, wouldn't I?)

You can meet them at tons of great EVENTS featured on Networking in Surrey as usual – I'll be sending out a bulletin later today showing what's coming up next week.

Networking in Surrey Networker plus! Is now well and truly launched (hooray!) with several Foundation Members taking advantage of the limited time launch deal. We've released details of how our innovative networking buddy system (called The Hive) gives one-person businesses a support network of colleagues rather than just contacts... and we're in the process of setting up our first Boardroom Brainstorm meeting. We've got two NIS+ Members lined up to present webinars, and lots more stuff going on - so ‘Thunderbirds are Go!’

Paullette Schwartz is also going great guns with her new Fabulous Women groups, while Vanessa Lanham-Day and Mike Loughton are powering ahead with their Entrepreneurs Circle meetings. 4networking is launching its evening groups as we speak, and the Expos season will be upon us before we know it, starting with Nick Taimitarha’s Richmond Expo at Twickenham. Networking is the most cost-effective way of growing your business and it’s really thriving in Surrey, so plug into all that energy!

We’re tantalisingly close to 900 members on NiS - meet the newest additions to our community here. We're going to miss our target of 2,000 members on Networking in Surrey and Berkshire combined by Easter – but not by very much : O)

I have just one advertising slot left for April at the discounted rate (£50 for one month or £130 for a quarter). Please call me now on 01932 845814 to grab it or email – first-come, first-served.

Diary of a Networker...
I haven't been quite so manically active out there in Networkland since my last ‘Mad March’ newsmail – even I sometimes have to do a bit of paid work! However, I was at this month’s Trafford Enterprises Elmbridge dinner with Jeremy Webb and Derek Hawkins, and of course I ran my free Google Places networking workshops in Cobham. Talking of workshops, I went along to Julie Bryant’s excellent Naked Dragon event at the Crown in Chertsey this week to hear visiting Canadian and Doctor Who fanatic (don’t ask) Tad Hargrave’s superb ‘Marketing for Hippies’ presentation – simply brilliant! I'm going to squeeze in a couple of networking events in the short week running up to Good Friday, and then relax and enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend (okay, I admit I may be working on the site the some of that time – how sad is that? : O)
Happy Networking!

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