Networking in Surrey

Networking in Surrey News – week beginning 28 March 2011

 Spring is in the air – balmy weather, and even sunshine at times. Now I’m sounding like Peter Cockroft (who, incidentally, was at school with my brother in Swanage). But enough of my ramblings - and on with the business at hand!

As usual, you’ll find loads of events on Networking in Surrey (over 120) lots of them free - like this week’s Guildford First Friday. As the weather improves (down, Peter!) the Netwalking season is upon us again. My pal ‘plantpassion’ Claire Brown is running a free Horsley Hike on Friday, the same day Elizabeth Cairns  is out netwalking in Richmond Park. Netwalk pioneer Tom Evans has suggested we organise a Networking in Surrey jaunt – watch this space!

Also free are Surrey ChambersMeet the Venues’ event in Dorking next week, and the North Surrey Business Association’s Open Evening at the Crown in Chertsey. I just discovered and listed a new regular free event in Croydon organised by PushThatButton (love the name).
Nick Taimitarha's Richmond Business Expo at Twickenham Stadium draws nearer – don’t forget to save the £10 admission fee by pre-booking your free ticket (promise I’ll get it listed tomorrow Nick!)

Thanks for all the positive feedback about my interview with Sally James – still available to listen again to here. I talked about new concepts in networking, and even though that was only a couple of weeks ago, there’s more innovation in progress as we speak!

Watch out for a new networking organisation from a well-known business ‘guru’, with ambitions to reach ‘UK number one’ in no time. A couple of NiS Members were at the pre-launch event with me, and may well become involved – no names, no pack-drill at this stage, but I’m sure this will have a big impact on the Surrey networking scene this Spring. 

Another new organisation, again with NiS Members set to play leading roles, is also launching in April, and will cause a few waves on the referral networking front. I’m sure the existing brand leaders will raise their game in response to these innovations, which is great for us as customers, and just goes to show how mainstream face-to-face networking is becoming.

Two women’s networks are expanding in Surrey right now: the Women's Business Clubs,  and new NiS Member Lynne Jones' Women in Business Network (not to be confused with Sandy Scott’s long-established Elmbridge Women in Business, or the Surrey Chambers’ relaunched Women in Business group). Fantastic!

Our Member numbers are still rising like warm dough and we’re now over 470 (yippee!) You can meet the latest batch here (too many blue silhouettes for my liking – please post your photos, guys)! 

I have just two ad slots remaining for April – so grab yours now by calling me on 01932 845814. This month’s superb advertisers are:

 Karen Purves PowerHouse - a new concept when business owners work as a board on each others business

   Jane Hardy One Stop Financial Security - helping individuals and businesses with their money worries

   Samantha New-Fielding & Ian Morgan BoB Clubs breakfast networking

     Tessa Hood  My Video Talk - helping businesses of all sizes to use video online to enhance their brand

Louise Knecht The Sunshine Clinic - offering a full range of alternative therapies

   Sarah Martin Ladies At Eleven - networking for women who are serious about their business

Diary of a Networker...
What spiffing fun was had by all, including NiS Members Sam Millard and Jane Lester, at Theo the Magician’s Extreme Networking event in Sutton last night, all in the name of charity. I was a dismal failure at both LaserQuest and ten-pin bowling, and I hadn’t even had a drink (there’s a moral in there somewhere :0) However I did win a bottle of champagne in the raffle, so all was not lost...

I missed both Walton 4N andthe free Brooklands Biscotti last Friday, as I was attending Elaine Hickmott and Jo Losty's Business Bedfellows workshop at Gorse Hill along with Lyndsey Collumbell – simply marvellous! I did make it to James Webster'sReady, Steady, Cook’ networking at Foxhills (yummy) for a chinwag with Len Goss, Max Wright, Geoff Chapman, Tom Evansand Dan Smale.

I’ll be venturing across the border into darkest Berkshire on Tuesday evening for a big event that Chris at NiB is running jointly with NiB Member Harriet Slingo from  If you’ve had your inoculations and your passport stamped, you may wish to join us - but you’ll need to head over to Networking in Berkshire PDQ, as I know Chris is fast running out of tickets...
Happy Networking!


Views: 23

Comment by Jane Lester on March 30, 2011 at 13:28

Keith ... you were NOT a dismal failure! I was so glad that you managed to cross the boundary and add to the fun of Theo's Extreme Networking. Clearly it was your ... errr... encouragement that led me to the dizzy heights of winning the 'top banana' ladies trophy for bowling! Unbelievable! I regret to say that my kids suggested it said more about everyone else's bowling abilities than mine!!

Thank you to Theo for organising it and to Keith and the other extreme networkers for making it such a fun evening!

Comment by Keith Grover, NiS Founder on March 30, 2011 at 14:06
Thanks for your kind words, Jane - they mean so much more, coming as they do from an elite sportswoman and top banana such as yourself! See you again soon I hope, out there in Networkland...

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