Networking in Surrey

Networking in Surrey News - 31 October 2012

Wooo-ooo - it ‘s Halloween, and the 'trick or treat-ers' are out in force... spooky! I wear a devil mask to answer the doorbell, just to enter into the spirit of things - and because I'm a big kid at heart.

I'm like a kid in a sweet shop at the moment, because I'm just in the process of launching my new networking group – the MyTeam Network. We'll be meeting over lunch (civilised!) in a similar way to my recent Working Lunch events – and the idea is to network as a team (the clue’s in the name, really :0)

MTN is not intended to replace your current networking activities, but to enhance them. It’s all about extending networking into the space between meetings, in an informal but structured way, working together to achieve leveraged results for each other's businesses.

We'll have a personal and professional development agenda too, focusing on a business issue at each meeting (for example, SEO, networking skills, tax planning and so on). We'll each do some research into the topic before the meeting and I'll be inviting local experts in that field to join us for lunch and guide our discussions.

There's a lot more to MTN too... come along to a meeting in the pre-Launch phase to learn more, or apply to join the MyTeam Network Group here on Linked In.

Seems like everybody's upgrading their software offering at the moment, from Google Mail to Linked In's new-look profiles. It's a challenge to keep upsometimes! Things are happening on NiS too, and you Event organisers will be pleased to know you can now enter repeating events using the ‘Copy Event’ option to short-circuit the laborious ‘cut and paste’ process. We’ve decided to limit forward posting to two months ahead, as evendetails often change and we want to maintain our position as the most accurate networking events listing site,bar none - yay!

I'm also putting together some short screen capture videos showing you how to use the power of Networking in Surrey to help you network more effectively (and cost-effectively).

STOP PRESS! It looks like I'll have a single last-minute advertising opportunity again this month so please call me on 01932 845814 or email if you're interested – first come, first served as ever, and last month's sold 4 times over! Full price is £60, but you're welcome to make me an offer I can't refuse :0)

Diary of a Networker...

Despite being busy launching a networking group and landing a couple of large copywriting projects, I still found time to get out and about in Networkland during the six weeks or so since my last NiS Newsmail. I'll just pick some highlights at random, and name a few of the dozens of NIS Members I've met on my travels, so if you don't get a mention, please don't take it personally! (And by the way, anybody who hasn't got a photo on their profile never gets mentioned in dispatches or featured on the site - find out why here...)

In case you're wondering, I've also found time to have a life (but not as we know it, Jim :0) and even managed to catch the new Bond film. OK, it's tosh, but it's 24-carat tosh (Nerdy question: would an ejector seat button work in a hardtop Aston Martin without a sunroof?)

And on that note, I'll sign off until Friday's whats-on Bulletin...

Happy networking!

PS The impending Networking in Surrey Networker plus! (NiS+) price rise will happen just as soon as I find a minute to change the PayPal setup - so it's your last chance to grab it here (and there's a big surprise bonus too - can't say any more now, except that it's an unbeatable BOGOF deal...)

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