Networking in Surrey

How do we get the most from our lives, overcome our limitations and achieve our highest potential? 

All too often we sabotage our best efforts. We procrastinate, putting our attention on small things with little value and impact and mistake being “busy” for” being productive”.

The reasons for this sabotage are not immediately evident as they lay in our subconscious mind, below the surface of our conscious mind, just as most of the mass of an iceberg similarly lies beneath the surface of the water. And as a fated ship may well be shipwrecked on what lies beneath the waves, so too are our best intentions, self-discipline and determination.

All our life experiences, real and imagined, create neural pathways in our brain and the more frequently they are used the stronger they become. We gain benefit when these pathways lead to positive behaviours, but when they lead to negative ones the internal battle with ourselves begins resulting in unwanted actions, habits and behaviours.

Through access to the subconscious mind it is possible change and re direct these pathways to produce supportive and favourable behaviours that are congruent with our conscious desires.

Hypnotherapy, Neuro linguistic programming and Emotional freedom technique (also known as tapping) have a direct effect upon the subconscious mind and in most cases, have a rapid and permanent effect. With the help of a qualified practitioner we can change unwanted habits and behaviours improving  our lives and achieving success in a variety ways. We all have the potential to overcome stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, rage, fears, phobias, addictions, trauma and any other life crisis that limits us.

In the words of the Buddha “Our lives are shaped by our mind – we become what we think” 

Fiona Ross- Guimont Dip.C. Hyp/Nlp .

Achievement Specialist and Motivational Therapist    

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