Networking in Surrey

More Brits expected to take cruises from UK ports

Travel Trade Gazette reports that the boom in British cruise passengers choosing to take itineraries starting from UK ports is set to continue, according to latest figures from the Passenger Shipping Association.

The PSA estimates that a record 835,000 passengers will join their cruise ship from a British port in 2012 – which represents a 28% rise over the last two years.

This will also be a 10% increase on the estimated 760,000 passengers who will have started their cruise from one of the UK’s 20 departure ports during 2011.

The PSA estimates that around 1.73 million passengers in the UK will take a cruise in 2012 – a 1% increase on this year’s figure of 1.71 million.

PSA director Bill Gibbons said: “Looking forward, we anticipate modest growth in 2012 as capacity slows following the reduction in the number of new ships being built”

“However, we remain confident that growth will continue over the coming years as companies introduce new ships including the 3,611 passenger vessel for P&O Cruises, the largest in their fleet, due for introduction in early 2015.

“The great choice of ships now providing cruise holidays from the UK to a wide variety of destinations will lead to more passengers sailing from British ports.”

Gibbons added that travel agents would continue to play an “important role” in selling cruise holidays.

“Cruising is expected to continue to outperform other areas of the holiday market with travel agents, who account for around 80% of sales,” he said.

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