Networking in Surrey

Keeping Warm this Winter - Hints and Tips

Saving Money on Heating Costs?

It’s that time of year again. I don’t honestly know where the time goes. It seems like only five minutes ago since the end of the summer holidays and the kids were back at school. Half term has already been and gone, bonfire night is upon us and Christmas looms over the horizon.

The summer holidays seem like a distant memory - or do they? Is that credit card statement that has just dropped through your door a stark reminder of over spending during the summer months? Remember to pay off what you can and look out for the best credit card deals. Don’t spend on your credit card unless you can make payments. Don’t be tempted to get yourself into debt. It’s not worth the stress. Check your outgoings and ONLY spend what you can afford.

We all know that many families across the UK are feeling the pinch this year and the threat of rising fuel bills and the potential expense of Christmas doesn’t help to allay that sense of dread of what this might do to our monthly bills. Add to that the threat of flu, the expense of prescriptions for much needed medication throughout the winter months and before we know it we are once again filled with a slight sense of rising panic. Don’t! There are positive steps you can take that will help your monthly outgoings over the winter months.

First things first.

Have you been with your fuel provider for long? Have you taken the trouble to shop around for the best deals? It’s surprising how many people out there are paying way over the odds for their monthly fuel bills. Don’t assume that because you have been with your fuel provider for many years that they are providing you with the most competitive option. Shop around. It’s easy to switch. If you do find that it’s beneficial for you to change energy providers, contact them and they will do all the paperwork for you. A great website called U Switch provide online viewers with any easy way to compare energy providers and get the beast deal for you in your area. Alternatively, try Utility Warehouse, where you can save money at your favourite stores too - To SAVE money see

Check them out now and see how much you can save on your fuel bills.

Ten Top Tips to Keep Warm This Winter and reduce Your Fuel Bills.

 Ø Just turning down your thermostat by as little as one degree can save you up to 6% on your heating bills. That could be about £30 a year.

 Ø Wear lots of thin layers of clothes around the house and when you go outside wear a hat and scarf. Most body heat is lost through the head.

 Ø Hot food and drinks also keep you warm. Soups, baked potatoes, stews are all warming meals that are cheap, nutritious and easy to prepare.

 Ø You don’t have to keep the heating on all night. Set it to come on half an hour before you get up and wrap up well when you go to bed. You could also use a hot water bottle or electric blanket but NOT both together.

 Ø Don’t heat rooms you don’t use and keep the doors closed.

 Ø Block drafts coming in through doors and windows. Even placing a blanket on the floor to stop the draft coming through the door will do the trick. If you need extra insulation on your windows and you’re not bothered about their appearance, you could use bubble wrap. It’s cheap and easy to use and the tiny bubbles provide great insulation.

 Ø Put rugs on bare floors.

 Ø Wear cosy slippers in doors to keep your feet warm

 Ø Let the sunlight in. On sunny days make sure that you keep the curtains open and let the sunlight help to heat the room.


For more information and hints and tips on saving money, please go to or call Jane on 07768 197507 - 7 days a week - here to help.


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