Networking in Surrey

Recent data released by one of the biggest insurance providers in the UK has revealed the rather alarming statistic that half the life insurance claims received were made for those under 55 years old.

It noted that the average age of claimant was 56 and that it paid out almost £42m in benefits to bereaved families.

This data serves as a timely reminder for adults of all ages to look after their financial responsibilities throughout the whole of their lives.

The figures show that nearly one in five claims paid out (18%) were for policyholders aged just 44 or under, with a further third (32%) aged between 45 and 54 years old.

In total during 2011 the insurer paid out £41,863,503 in life cover claims with the average claim being £84,744.

There has been plenty of debate in recent years about Britain's aging population, with new figures showing that almost one in four Britons will be 65 or over in 2051.

However, these claims figures are a stark reminder about the very real need for individuals to look after themselves and their families financial livelihood throughout their whole lives.

Tragically, it would appear that in an age where there are regular calls for people to provide for their pension, there are many thousands of people who do not live to an age to see the benefit.


If you are concerned by this, please feel free to get in touch.

As always thanks for your attention.

Mark (

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